A directory site to help you find your way through the jungle of computer abbreviations.
🚧 This project is under construction 🚧
If, like us, you're struggling to remember the sea of abbreviations that exist in computing, you've come to the right place. Simply and quickly search for your acronym or initialism to get its meaning and a description.
If you are wandering, acronyms
and initialism
are both a type of abbreviation
and are quite similar :
An initialism, as the name states, are made by taking each initial in a phrase / group of words and then spelling out each of those letters
(e.g. VPN)
An acronym is made by taking the first letters (or first parts of syllables) of each word in a phrase / group of words.
(e.g. Modem)
This are the languages/frameworks/libraries we are working with for now.
- Frontend
- Simple, attractive interface design
- Implementation of design in React
- Backend
- Database
- retrieval and correct display of db items
- possibility to add items to the db from the site
- API (uncertain)
- Database