Shore (verb) is a tool used to develop deployment pipelines for different pipeline based products like Spinnaker.
- Shore released binaries can be found in archived format at shore's github releases page:
- To download the binary relevant for you platform click on the file name and save the file to the disk.
- Un-archive, e.g. for tar.gz for Mac OS:
cd ~/Downloads
tar -xzf shore_0.0.2_Darwin_x86_64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin/
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/shore
shore -h
- Shore released docker images links can be found at shore's github releases page:
docker pull ***REMOVED***/shore/shore:v0.0.2
docker run ***REMOVED***/shore/shore:v0.0.2 -h
git clone [email protected]:Autodesk/shore.git
go mod download
go mod vendor
go build -o shore cmd/shore/shore.go
JSONNET/{INSERT LANGUAGE} files will read from ./{project_path}/main.pipeline.jsonnet
Only top level files that generate a Pipeline
object will be rendered.
{project_path}/main.pipeline.jsonnet # RENDERS A PIPELINE
objects can be identified using a validation method that conforms to one of the supported backends.
The rendered output is stored in Memory and is passed on to the correct backend service provider.
As of today (30 Mar 2021) only Spinnaker is supported as a backend service.
The framework will not validate the input before pushing to a backend as combinations may be very tricky to validate.
Instead the framework will try to provide known good values for a specific backend configuration (I.E. Spinnaker)
The framework will provide a few packages and functions for customer's to consume.
These packages will be made available through the common resources and identified at runtime.
To get these common resources, we recommend using Jsonnet-Bundler