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February 2nd Update Session Notes on Bug Fixes

Matthieu J. Capuano edited this page Feb 15, 2018 · 9 revisions

NOTE: Make sure you're in the kinetic-devel branch (use git checkout kinetic-devel) from the cloned repository

NOTE: We should add in the instructions that you need to roslaunch autorally_control joystickController.launch after running the Gazebo simulation

NOTE: We should also mention that you can just send topics to the constant speed controller via `rostopic pub /cosntantSpeedController/speedCommand std_msgs/Float64 "data: 3.0" -r 10


  • If you get an error about requiring OpenCV 2.4 in step 2 of the instructions ("Clone or Fork Repositories"), the solution is to comment out the third line (find_package(OpenCV 2.4 REQUIRED)) in this file: ~/catkin_ws/src/autorally/autorally_control/src/path_integral/CMakeLists.txt


  • If you have an issue with rosdep update, you may get a suggestion to run rosdep fix-permissions. If you do, then execute that line. Another suggested line might come up, run that too.

Also remember to create the following alias in your ~/.bashrc: alias Local="source ~/catkin_ws/src/autorally/autorally_util/"


  • The joystick isn't always recognized correctly (we might want to set up udev rules to fix this in the future), run ls /dev/input to see which devices are being recognized. There should be just js0, but if js1 is there, then it might be looking for that. You need to go into the controller launch file and edit that: gedit ~/catkin_ws/src/autorally/autorally_control/launch/joystickController.launch

Then modify line 5: <param name="dev" value="/dev/input/js1" />