Hello! Thank you for your interest in joining our team. We've designed this exercise to help assess your backend software development skillset.
Implement a modern command-line application in the programming language of your choice. This application should fetch the list of public repositories for any Github user using the Github API that is passed as an argument to the application from the command line. The application should output to the console the repository name and the number of star gazers in an aesthetically pleasing table in the terminal sorted by stargazers_count in the order that is specified by an option on the command line.
Example command execution:
githubfetcher autocustoms asc
The application should have all the standard features of a command line application, such as options for viewing help and possibly a verbose mode.
Publish your work to a public Github repository and provide detailed instructions in the readme.md file that will allow anyone to install your application and execute it to see the result.
- We do not suffer from NIH syndrome around here.
- We love open source software!
- We aspire to have reasonable unit test coverage.
- Emphasis is on “modern”, if your language of choice has a popular framework for building CLI applications please use it! For example, Picocli for Java, Click for Python, oclif for Node, Laravel Zero for PHP