The velodyne_puck
package is a linux ROS driver for velodyne puck only of VELODYNE LIDAR. The user manual for the device can be found here or the LTE version here.
The major difference between this driver and the ROS velodyne driver is that the start of each revolution is detected using azimuth.
The package is tested on Ubuntu 14.04 with ROS indigo.
This driver is developed based on ROS velodyne driver, which originally has the BSD license. The COPYING file is kept in this package. However, the changed files have the GNU General Public License V3.0.
This is a Catkin package. Make sure the package is on ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
after cloning the package to your workspace. And the normal procedure for compling a catkin package will work.
cd your_work_space
catkin_make --pkg velodyne_puck_driver velodyne_puck_decoder --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
, default:
By default, the IP address of the device is
, default: velodyne
The frame ID entry for the sent messages.
Published Topics
Each message corresponds to a velodyne packet sent by the device through the Ethernet. For more details on the definition of the packet, please refer to the user manual.
, 0.3
, 100.0
Points outside this range will be removed.
, 20.0
Note that the driver does not change the frequency of the sensor. If needed, the RPM of the sensor should be set through the brower (see user manual for more details). And the frequency
parameter in the launch file should be set accordingly.
, false
If set to true, the decoder will additionally send out a local point cloud consisting of the points in each revolution.
Published Topics
The message arranges the points within each sweep based on its scan index and azimuth.
This is only published when the publish_point_cloud
is set to true
in the launch file.
roslauch velodyne_puck_decoder velodyne_puck_decoder_nodelet.launch
Note that this launch file launches both the driver and the decoder, which is the only launch file needed to be used.
Prefer to open an issue. You can also send an E-mail to [email protected].