Releases: Auerbach-Lab/Behavior-autoanalysis
v1.0.8 Graphing for duration
Graphing update
Full Changelog: v1.0.7...v1.0.8
V1.0.7: Duration Testing
Update to handle new duration testing files.
Note: Only tested on single intensity files.
Full Changelog: v1.0.6...v1.0.7
Multiple bug fixes especially to Supvisor-Summarise
Major improvements:
- Rat run box is now saved
- improved code to remove dplyr 1.1.0 deprecation warnings
- weight warnings and calculations now all use free feed weight as well as run history
- Added auto-picker compatibility
- Improved removal tool for better safety
- New file exporting tool for run_archive
- Rewrote import old data for newer main/shiny import
Full Changelog: v1.0.5...v1.0.6
v1.0.5 - NJ Fix for oddball files on Sup-Summarize
Full Changelog: v1.0.4...v1.0.5
v1.0.4 - Oddball naming
c86713f - Now tested and working #67 (Noelle James)
7b0a26f - Oddball uneven odds name fix (Noelle James)
263fd93 - Removed Note from assignments.xlsx (Noelle James)
70446e9 - Updated Admin tools for new Shiny fields (Noelle James)
872337c - FIX: Display comment (Noelle James)
e0c3f30 - Enhancement: Added max weight number as caption (Noelle James)
17aaa1f - BUG FIX: handles partial loads properly (Noelle James)
13d3b52 - Merge branch 'main' of (Noelle James)
8155e2e - Fix remove_entry for 1.0.0 (Noelle James)
1.0.1 (initial Shiny fixes)
Most Recent
57f509f - Update (Brian James)
5310e6e - move determining rat_id to part of building run_properties, and store it there (Brian James)
c516f6c - remove a debug print (Brian James)
b74c6b6 - Add proper handling of scientist, weightProblem, rxnProblem to processFile enabling both manual or old_excel usage. Closes #59 (Brian James)
1dd17d3 - Move requirements based on inputs being null to reactive variables being null for consistency from entry to entry. Closes #60. (Brian James)
876dda2 - migrate to check and backup (Brian James)
1502c03 - Merge pull request #61 from Auerbach-Lab/26-synchronization-of-run-trial-archives (Noelle James)
2611adf - Merge branch 'main' of (Noelle James)
5f903a1 - Fix for more flexability (Noelle James)
6d3fc17 - Delete Graphing table.xlsx (Brian James)
052a46e - Update gitignore, which was abandoned midmerge. Block .txt files. (Brian James)
eef47d9 - Fix type error (null vs "") causing Generate_Weight_Trials_Graph to die 100% of the time. (Brian James)
b8c9c39 - Replaces old "check UUIDs and backup trails archives.R" (Noelle James)
3cccf46 - Fixed bug for Oddball Training graph Was not previously showing the range due to current_analysis_type check being incorrect. (Noelle James)
b53d8cc - Bug fix: using rat_name rather than id to check rat_archive (Noelle James)
18256e9 - Merge branch 'main' of (Noelle James)
be68134 - Bug fix: comment is now optional (Noelle James)
86e1428 - disable sink for time being (Brian James)
a232506 - Merge branch 'main' of (Brian James)
c47dacb - reload rat archive on processing file at Noelle's request (Brian James)
b94bc59 - Improvements to Weight and Trials Graph (Noelle James)
Least Recent
Generated by git log --pretty="%h - %s (%an)" v1.0.0..HEAD
1.0.0 Shiny
v1.0.0 Shiny deployed