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ProseMirror transformer for Manuscripts applications.

It provides a way to import/export Manuscript JSON Schema formatted data from and to other formats such as (JATS XML, STS XML, HTML, ProseMirror Model)


Decoder: converts Manuscript JSON Schema to ProseMirror Model.

Encoder: converts ProseMirror Model to Manuscript JSON Schema.

ManuscriptNode: a Manuscript definition of a ProseMirror Node which hold a ProseMirror fragment containing zero or more child nodes, for example a section node or a figure node.

ManuscriptFragment: a Manuscript definition of a ProseMirror Fragment represents a node's collection of child nodes.

ManuscriptMark: a Manuscript definition of a ProseMirror mark which is a piece of information that can be attached to a node, such as it being emphasized, in code font, or a link

JATSExporter: converts Manuscript JSON Schema to JATS XML via ProseMirror Model.

JATSImporter converts JATS XML to Manuscript JSON Schema via ProseMirror Model.


Manuscript JSON Schema to ProseMirror Model

import { Decoder, ContainedModel } from '@manuscripts/manuscript-transform'

// Data from Manuscript JSON Schema file
const data: ContainedModel[]
const modelMap = new Map<string, ContainedModel>( => [model._id, model])
const decoder = new Decoder(modelMap)
// manuscriptID =>  The ID for the manuscript data can be found in MPManuscript Model
const manuscriptNode = decoder.createArticleNode(manuscriptID)

ProseMirror Model to Manuscript JSON Schema

import { encode } from '@manuscripts/manuscript-transform'

const manuscriptNode: ManuscriptNode
const result = encode(manuscriptNode)

Manuscript JSON Schema to JATS XML

import {
} from '@manuscripts/manuscript-transform'

// Data from Manuscript JSON Schema file
const data: ContainedModel[]
const modelMap = new Map<string, ContainedModel>( => [model._id, model])
const decoder = new Decoder(modelMap)
// manuscriptID =>  The ID for the manuscript data can be found in MPManuscript Model
const manuscriptNode = decoder.createArticleNode(manuscriptID)

const options: JATSExporterOptions   
const result = new JATSExporter().serializeToJATS(manuscriptNode.content, modelMap, manuscriptID, options)


version: JATS output version, supported versions ('1.1' , '1.2d1' , '1.2')
doi: DOI of the article
id: article id
frontMatterOnly: to export article front only

JATS XML to Manuscript JSON Schema

import { parseJATSArticle } from '@manuscripts/manuscript-transform'

// JATS XML document
const doc: Document
const result = await parseJATSArticle(doc)

ProseMirror Schema

As mentioned in ProseMirror documentation the schema defined as

Every ProseMirror document conforms to a schema, which describes the set of nodes and marks that it is made out of, along with the relations between those, such as which node may occur as a child node of which other nodes.

You can find the definition of the schema in /schema folder where it is constructed form a set of nodes and marks

ProseMirror Node

This class represents a node in the tree that makes up a ProseMirror document. So a document is an instance of Node, with children that are also instances of Node.

Please check Node class documentation to know more about its attributes and methods

Let's take figure node as an example

export const figure: NodeSpec = {
    content: 'figcaption* paragraph* attribution*',
   // ...
   // ...

The content attribute here describe the children of this node, a figure can have captions, paragraphs and attributions and each of these nodes can also have their own content

 export const figure: NodeSpec = {
 // ...
 // ...
  attrs: {
    id: { default: '' },
    originalURL: { default: undefined },

attrs describe the attributes that can this figure node have for example an ID or a URL

toDOM: (node) => {}

this function defines the default way of the figure node to be serialized to DOM/HTML, the return type is a DOM node or an array structure that describes one, with an optional number zero (“hole”) in it to indicate where the node's content should be inserted.

ProseMirror Mark

mark is a piece of information that can be attached to a node, such as it being emphasized, in code font, or a link. It has a type and optionally a set of attributes that provide further information (such as the target of the link). Marks are created through a Schema, which controls which types exist and which attributes they have.

Please check Mark class documentation to know more about its attributes and methods

Let's take italic mark as an example

export const italic: MarkSpec = {
  parseDOM: [{ tag: 'i' }, { tag: 'em' }, { style: 'font-style=italic' }],
  toDOM: () => ['i'],

parseDOM here define how to deserialize this mark from DOM, for example an em tag will be parsed to this italic mark

Deserialize JATS to ProseMirror

in jats-body-dom-parser.ts file you can find the rules of how the parser can deserialize JATS XML tags into ProseMirror nodes

for example to map sec JATS tag to ProseMirror section node

        tag: 'sec',
        node: 'section',
        getAttrs: (node) => {
          const element = node as HTMLElement
          return {
            id: element.getAttribute('id'),
            category: chooseSectionCategory(element),

getAttrs function here extract the attributes of the sec tag and map them into section node attributes

Serialize ProseMirror nodes to JATS XML

in jats-exporter.ts file you can find the serialization rules defined in createSerializer method

section node to sec tag

section: (node) => {
  const attrs: { [key: string]: string } = {
    id: normalizeID(,

  if (node.attrs.category) {
    attrs['sec-type'] = chooseSecType(node.attrs.category)

  return ['sec', attrs, 0]