Arduino IDE 1.8.19
Core: ATTinyCore by Spencer Konde.
Board: ATtiny45/85 Optiboot
Chip: ATtiny85, does not work on ATTINY13A-PU (not enough memory).
Clock: 8MHz internal.
VirtualWire library:
Burn bootloader first, then load program.
Programmer: USB ISP, (USBasp). Requires avr-gcc, avrdude.
Antenna: 17.3cm straight wire.
Range: 10-20m in crowded space.
Testable by connecting transmitter and receiver with a wire.
Transmitter: FS1000A at 3.7V.
Receiver: RXB6 at 5V (Do not use the simple receiver with a coil, use one with a crystal).
Arduino IDE 1.8.19
Core: ATTinyCore by Spencer Konde.
Board: ATtiny45/85 (Optiboot)
Chip: ATtiny85
Clock: 8MHz internal
Manchester library: (placed into ./Arduino/libraries)
Burn bootloader first, then load program.
Programmer: USB ISP, (USBasp). Requires avr-gcc, avrdude.
Antenna: 17.3cm straight wire.
Range: 100-150m in crowded space.
Testable by connecting transmitter and receiver with a wire.
Transmitter: FS1000A at 5V.
Receiver: RXB6 at 5V (Do not use the simple receiver with a coil, use one with a crystal).
Simple LED blinking example using millis().
Simplest LED blinking example with delay().
Simple blinking program without using Arduino IDE. For attiny13a and attiny85.
Notification software that reacts to high voltage on the input pin.
avr-gcc -Wall -g -Os -mmcu=attiny13a -o dot.bin dot.c
avr-objcopy -j .text -j .data -O ihex dot.bin dot.hex
Flashing via USB ISP programmer:
avrdude -c usbasp -p attiny13 -U flash:w:dot.hex
Backup of libraries I used at the time of creating these programs.
PCB design for a 24 pin ZIF socket programming board for ISP programmers.