Cloth simulation using Fast Simulation of Mass Spring System by Liu et Al.
- Raylib and RayGui are used for rendering and GUI;
- Eigen is used for all the linear algebra black magic;
- yaml-cpp is needed to parse scene and configuration files;
As already mentioned, this project uses raylib to handle the rendering. We had to modify some raylib functions to fit it to our needs, therefore to be able to build the project correctly, follow the next steps:
git clone --recursive
cd external/raylib/
git checkout 7584ce6f
git apply ../../raylib.diff
Be sure you are in the root of the project (same directory were this is located):
mkdir Release
cd Release
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make -j8
./Phylip resources/config_flat.yaml
./Phylip resources/config_vertical.yaml