Athenz Yahoo Server metrics interface implementation for Prometheus
mvn clean package
ls ./target/athenz_metrics_prometheus-*.jar
- add
in Athenz server's classpath - overwrite existing system property
# ZMS server # ZTS server
- add system property for
# enable PrometheusMetric class athenz.metrics.prometheus.enable=true # export JVM metrics athenz.metrics.prometheus.jvm.enable=true # the Prometheus /metrics endpoint athenz.metrics.prometheus.http_server.enable=true athenz.metrics.prometheus.http_server.port=8181 # Prometheus metric prefix athenz.metrics.prometheus.namespace=athenz_zms # for dev. env. ONLY, record Athenz domain data as label athenz.metrics.prometheus.label.request_domain_name.enable=false athenz.metrics.prometheus.label.principal_domain_name.enable=false # enable histogram for aggregatable calculation of quantiles athenz.metrics.prometheus.histogram.enable=true athenz.metrics.prometheus.histogram.buckets=0.005,0.01,0.025,0.05,0.075,0.1,0.25,0.5,0.75,1.0,2.5,5.0,7.5,10.0
- verify setup:
curl localhost:8181/metrics
- add job in your Prometheus server
scrape_configs: - job_name: 'athenz-server' scrape_interval: 10s honor_labels: true static_configs: - targets: ['athenz.server.domain:8181']
- The current implementation is based on specific athenz version. As the athenz dependency is using the provided scope, this class may throw error if non-compatible athenz JARs are included during runtime.
mvn clover:instrument clover:aggregate clover:clover clover:check
open ./target/site/clover/index.html