1.3.0 (2023-04-07)
bars-and-lines: add bufferline plugin (724301f )
bars-and-lines: add feline plugin (d95a2ee )
bars-and-lines: add lualine plugin (f6e9f5d )
bars-and-lines: add statuscol plugin (c0b272d )
bars-and-lines: add statusline with mode text (3836d18 )
bars-and-lines: add vs code style winbar recipe (cdc12ce )
color: add headlines plugin (68aebcb )
color: add modes.nvim plugin (92a78e4 )
color: add twilight.nvim (#124 ) (c118c7c )
editing-support: add auto-save.nvim plugin (2f40865 )
editing-support: add mini.splitjoin (ed5c19a )
editing-support: add nvim-ts-rainbow (a06a3bf )
editing-support: add nvim-ts-rainbow2 (cd37ef6 )
editing-support: add todo-comments.nvim (93f89ce )
git: Add git-blame (#108 ) (c6771c0 )
git: add neogit (#123 ) (512dc00 )
indent: add indent-tools.nvim (23882e9 )
markdown-and-latex: add vimtex (#113 ) (c968f91 )
motion: add leap/flit.nvim plugins (cdc2107 )
motion: add nvim-surround (#110 ) (cfcf2a9 )
motion: add vim-matchup plugin (48d0bef )
note-taking: add obsidian-nvim (2a04234 )
pack/edgedb: Add EdgeDB syntax plugin (#93 ) (f424f1b )
pack/java: add Java Language Pack (#86 ) (f91eb2f )
pack/typescript: handle neotree rename imports (cd18f64 )
pack: add astro pack (8f1abef )
pack: add cmake language pack (6b9d9c0 )
pack: add haxe language pack (6ff9989 )
pack: add php language pack (03db218 )
pack: add prisma language pack (#111 ) (3c6e863 )
pack: add svelte language pack (9748fd5 )
pack: add tailwindcss pack (659d949 )
pack: add yaml language pack (74473d8 )
pack: switch to codelldb for rust debugging (#106 ) (2005cf2 )
pack: use prettierd instead of prettier (a599091 )
project: add project.nvim (76fc3f3 )
scrolling: add cinnamon.nvim plugin (3013c7d )
syntax: add hlargs.nvim (e3a7815 )
syntax: add vim-easy-align (a5dde7a )
syntax: add vim-sandwich (2e9d85f )
terminal-integration: add flatten.nvim (e9cff3e )
Bug Fixes
code-runner: add missing loading commands to overseer (#77 ) (7443d36 )
git: gitblame (#112 ) (d41f4ae )
indent: sentence structure (c67b24e )
leap: add vim-repeat to support dot-repeat (cf46b1f )
media: add missing pets lazy load command (194dfbd )
mini-ai: explicitly call setup() (4795909 )
nvim-ts-rainbow: add autocmd to refresh on save/focus (a303ebb )
pack/tailwindcss: colorize for nvim-colorizer (0a400f8 )
pack: add auto installation to haxe pack (8db899f )
pack: enable tailwindcss color highlighting (#99 ) (8f20d09 )
pack: fix go pack (245182e )
pack: improve compatibility of table.unpack function (#107 ) (52b1da3 )
pack: Switching python venv selector to a more robust plugin (b1c6154 )
project: fix telescope lazy loading with project.nvim (d971045 )
terminal-integration: fix priority of loading flatten.nvim (c1fb750 )
terminal-integration: load flatten at startup (bb600f2 )
toml: disable taplo in null-ls (#102 ) (e6bfb50 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.