Implementation of the GDI+ API as a wrapper of NanoVG, targeting WebAssembly for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. The version of NanoVG in term uses the Low Level Vector Graphics API (LLVG) provided by Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.
This project is a mirror of the project present in the SDK for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 (SDK).
Download and install the latest SDK version :
Clone this repository (or a fork if you plan to do modifications) into $(MSFS_SDK)WASM\projects\gdiplus
: current development branch, changes in this branch will be available in the next SDK releasestable
: the version of GDI+ provided with the live version of the SDK
This library provides minimal implementation of legacy functionality commonly used in the creation of Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) instruments.
General status:
- General draw functions: supported
- Paths and figures: supported
- Non rectangular clipping: supported
- Fonts: supported via stb
- Bitmaps: supported with limitations (performance limited by the WebAssembly sandboxing, requires game changes of LLVG)
- String parameters: wchar* only
- Path gradient: not supported
- Texture brush: not supported
- Render textures: not supported (requires game-side changes of LLVG)
Missing functionality:
- GdipMeasureString() not implemented
- Custom Arrow and Pen caps not implemented
This GDI+ implementation is based on:
- MinGW GDI+ headers :
- LibGdiplus GDI+ Flat implementation :
- NanoVG :
- Images and fonts handled via stb (as part of the SDK):