The purpose of this test is to give you an opportunity to showcase your coding skills.
To doing so, you will build a small Aircall iOS app from scratch.
You are free to use the architecture you prefer
You are free to use the libraries you want
You are free to use UIKit or SwiftUI
The app must compatible with iOS 13+
Display a list of calls page
Click on call from the list will redirect to call details page
You should be able to archive a call from List and Details page
=> Archived calls will no longer be visible from list of calls
We will pay attention on the architecture of your app
The quality of your tests
The clarity and documentation of your code
Don't pay too much attention on design stuff, it's not a criteria for us. After all, you are a developer not a designer !
List of calls | Call details
Don't hesitate to ask any question regarding the test at [email protected]
Here is the API address:
As you can see, it's hosted on a free Heroku server, which means that the first time you will fetch the API, it will take few seconds to answer.
GET - get calls to display in the Activity Feed
GET - retrieve a specific call details
POST - update a call. The only field updatable is
is_archived (bool)
. You'll need to send a JSON in the request body:
is_archived: true
- GET - Reset all calls to initial state (usefull if you archived all calls).
id - unique ID of call
created_at - creation date
direction -
call -
from - caller's number
to - callee's number
via - Aircall number used for the call
duration - duration of a call (in seconds)
is_archived - call is archived or not
call_type - can be a
You are ready, submit a pull request on this repository and ping your point of contact at Aircall.
Don't forget to include a README file with the following:
- Write a brief outline of the architecture of your app.
- Explain why you decided to use each third party libraries.
- What was the most difficult part of the challenge ?
- Estimate your percentage of completion and how much time you would need to finish