- author
Arwid Bancewicz arwid.ca
- version
- updated
31 Aug 2011
- dependencies
Underscore.js (tested with 1.1.7)
JSON_Minifier minifies a JSON array of Objects. Its motivation is to reduce the bandwidth of JSON Web Services. See arwid.github.com/JSON_Minifier for an example which reduces a simple JSON by 50%.
Use _.JSON_minify
to minify a JSONString or JSONObject and _.JSON_revert
to revert it back to original.
minified = _.JSON_minify([{ "firstName": "John" , "lastName": "Doe" , "age": 23 }]) reverted = _.JSON_revert(minified)
As a very simple example, the following JSON
[ { "firstName": "John" , "lastName": "Doe" , "age": 23 }, { "firstName": "Mary" , "lastName": "Smirth", "age": 32 }, { "firstName": "Sally", "lastName": "Green" , "age": 27 }, { "firstName": "Jim" , "lastName": "Galley", "age": 41 } ]
…reduces to
{ "data": [["John","Doe",23],["Mary","Smirth",32],["Sally","Green",27],["Jim","Galley",41]], "map" : ["firstName","lastName","age"] }
Add support for more complicated JSONs. A mapping could possibly look like this:
"map" : {"name":"[0]","address":"[1]","postalCode":"[1][0]","city":[1][1]"}
Extend api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/ by offering ‘jsonm’ as a datatype.
Create a ruby gem
JSON_Minifier is covered by the MIT License.