USB Midi Android Plugin is a plugin for communicate with a Midi device through USB.
In the first place you have to inherits from IMidiCallback
public class MyCallback implements IMidiCallback {
TextView _textView = null;
public MyCallback(TextView textView)
_textView = textView;
public void RawMidi(byte command, byte data1, byte data2) {
_textView.append(" MIDI command : " + command + ", " + data1 + ", " + data2 + System.lineSeparator());
public void NoteOn(int note, int velocity) {
_textView.append(" Note : " + note + " velocity : " + velocity + System.lineSeparator());
public void NoteOff(int note) {
_textView.append(" Note : " + note + System.lineSeparator());
public void DeviceAttached(String name) {
_textView.append(" DeviceAttached Name : " + name + System.lineSeparator());
public void DeviceDetached(String name) {
_textView.append(" DeviceDetached Name : " + name + System.lineSeparator());
Then you have to call the method called ctor
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
private MyCallback _myCallback;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
_myCallback = new MyCallback(findViewById(;
UsbMidiController.getInstance().ctor(_myCallback, this);
Now you should be able to receive Midi events. You can find the full code here.
You can download the package here
Create a Csharp script MidiEventHandler
that inherits from MonoBehaviour
and IMidiEventHandler
In the awake and start methods add these lines for instantiating the plugin :
private void Awake()
private void Start()
Then implements all the methods of IMidiEventHandler
[SerializeField] private Text text;
// Called for all midi commands, to receive raw midi data, including before NoteOn and NoteOff
public void RawMidi(sbyte command, sbyte data1, sbyte data2)
string output = string.Format("MIDI command: {0:x2} {1:x2} {2:x2}", command, data1, data2);
text.text += output + Environment.NewLine;
// Called when a midi note is pressed
public void NoteOn(int note, int velocity)
Debug.Log("Note On " + note + " velocity " + velocity);
text.text += "Note On " + note + " velocity " + velocity + Environment.NewLine;
// Called when a midi note is released
public void NoteOff(int note)
Debug.Log("Note off " + note);
text.text += "Note off " + note + Environment.NewLine;
// Called when you plug a midi device
public void DeviceAttached(string deviceName)
Debug.Log("Device Attached " + deviceName);
text.text += "Device Attached " + deviceName + Environment.NewLine;
// Called when you unplug a midi device
public void DeviceDetached(string deviceName)
Debug.Log("Device Detached " + deviceName);
text.text += "Device Detached " + deviceName + Environment.NewLine;
In the editor, add a Text and add the previous script into your scene.