The ninth project in the 42sp fundamentals track, Philosophers, is about to solve the the Dining Philosophers Problem, a famous problem in computer science used to illustrate common issues in concurrent programming. The main objective of this project is to introduce the use of Threads, Mutexes, Semaphores and Forks.
- Make sure you clone the repository with the following command:
$> git clone [email protected]:ArthurSobreira/42_philosophers.git
- Once cloned, to compile the program, use the following commands:
$> make / make bonus
- To run either the mandatory or bonus part of the program, just call
passing the following arguments:
$> ./philo [number_of_philosophers] [time_to_die] [time_to_eat] [time_to_sleep] [times_each_philosopher_must_eat] (optional)
- The program should display a log in the terminal with some information about each philo:
timestamp_in_ms X 🍽 has taken a fork
timestamp_in_ms X 🍝 is eating
timestamp_in_ms X 💤 is sleeping
timestamp_in_ms X 💡 is thinking
timestamp_in_ms X 💀 died