Releases: ArthurGoshtasby/MMR-Multi-model-Recognizer
A Multi-model Image Recognizer
A multi-model recognizer has been designed and implemented in Python. The recognizer has a user-friendly interface, implemented in PyQt6, to guide a user take advantage of various features of the package. As models. a fully-connected neural network, a convolutional neural network, a fine-tuned VGG16 network, and a fine-tuned MobileNet are used. Other models may be added to the package to increase its recognition accuracy.
As input, currently the package uses images of US coins. The recognizer is trained to detect and recognize US coins in images. To detect other objects in images, a segmentation method that detects objects of interest in images should be added to the package.
The code is fully commented and should be easy to follow but, feel free to contact the author for ambiguities, questions, or suggestions.