Creates an uploader component in React, to use with Resumable JS.
On file added, the upload will begin.
npm i react-resumable-js
- uploaderID The uploader ID. Ex: "image-upload"
- dropTargetID The dropTarget ID. Ex: "myDropTarget"
- fileAccept content type file accept on input file Ex: 'image/*'
- filetypes The allowed files extensions to upload. Ex: "['jpg', 'png']"
- maxFileSize The allowed file size for upload. Is expressed in bytes. Default is: 10240000 (10mb).
- onMaxFileSizeErrorCallback Usefull to use with the above param, and take the exception for use as you want.
- fileAddedMessage The message to print when file is added. Optional. Ex: 'Starting....'
- completedMessage The message to print when file is completely uploaded. Optional. Ex: 'Completed!'
- service The service that will receive the file. Ex: ''
- textLabel The label of the upload. Ex: 'What photo do you want to add?'
- previousText A Text that will be displayed before the component. Optional.
- disableDragAndDrop True to disable Drag and Drop. Enable by default.
- showFileList Show or hide the filelist of uploaded files. accept boolean value
- onUploadErrorCallback Function to call on Upload error. @returns file and message
- onFileAddedError Function to call on File Added error. @returns file and errorCount
- onFileRemoved Function to call on File Removed. @return file object
- headerObject Optional, if you need to add a headers object.
- onFileSuccess Method to call when file is upload. Usually a method to set the filename that was uploaded by the component.
- disableInput Boolean to disable or enable input file. Send true to disable, false otherwise.
- maxFiles Indicates how many files can be uploaded in a single session. Valid values are any positive integer and undefined for no limit. (Default: undefined)
- fileNameServer Indicate the fileNameServer Object if the server return an object. Ex {file:"image.jpg"}, so the fileNameServer is "file"
- tmpDir path to render the preview image on the filelist, if the tmpDir is not set the preview will be a base64encode image ( low performance ). We recommend set the tmpDir
- chunkSize The size in bytes of each uploaded chunk of data (Default: 110241024)
- simultaneousUploads Number of simultaneous uploads (Default: 1)
- fileParameterName The name of the multipart POST parameter to use for the file chunk (Default: file)
- generateUniqueIdentifier Override the function that generates unique identifiers for each file. (Default: null)
- maxFilesErrorCallback A function which displays the please upload n file(s) at a time message. (Default: displays an alert box with the message Please n one file(s) at a time.)
- startButton Boolean value to show the start button
- pauseButton Boolean value to show the pause button
- cancelButton Boolean value to show the cancel button
- forceChunkSize Boolean value to force size of a chunk. (Default: false)
- build: last deploy build
- example: webpack dev server to run the demo
- server: nodejs server to upload the files
- src: source code
export default class ExampleForm extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
return (
<p>You can add other inputs, selects or stuff right here to complete a form.</p>
filetypes={["jpg", "png"]}
textLabel="Uploaded files"
previousText="Drop to upload your media:"
onFileSuccess={(file, message) => {
console.log(file, message);
onFileAdded={(file, resumable) => {
onStartUpload={() => {
console.log("Start upload");
onCancelUpload={() => {
this.inputDisable = false;
onPauseUpload={() =>{
this.inputDisable = false;
onResumeUpload={() => {
this.inputDisable = true;
npm run demo