Apache HTTP sink for metrics client.
Determine the latest version of the library in Maven Central.
Add a dependency to your pom:
The Maven Central repository is included by default.
Add a dependency to your build.gradle:
compile group: 'com.arpnetworking.metrics.extras', name: 'apache-http-sink-extra', version: 'VERSION'
Add the Maven Central Repository into your build.gradle:
repositories {
Add a dependency to your project/Build.scala:
val appDependencies = Seq(
"com.arpnetworking.metrics.extras" % "apache-http-sink-extra" % "VERSION"
The Maven Central repository is included by default.
To override the default sink on the MetricsFactory do the following:
final MetricsFactory metricsFactory = new TsdMetricsFactory.Builder()
.setSinks(Collections.singletonList(new ApacheHttpSink.Builder().build())
In most cases the default arguments are sufficien; however, you may also customize the ApacheHttpSink like this:
final MetricsFactory metricsFactory = new TsdMetricsFactory.Builder()
new ApacheHttpSink.Builder()
For more information on configuring MetricsFactory please see metrics-client-java.
- JDK8 (Or Invoke with JDKW)
metrics-apache-http-sink-extra> ./mvnw verify
To use the local version you must first install it locally:
metrics-apache-http-sink-extra> ./mvnw install
You can determine the version of the local build from the pom file. Using the local version is intended only for testing or development.
You may also need to add the local repository to your build in order to pick-up the local version:
- Maven - Included by default.
- Gradle - Add mavenLocal() to build.gradle in the repositories block.
- SBT - Add resolvers += Resolver.mavenLocal into project/plugins.sbt.
Published under Apache Software License 2.0, see LICENSE
© Inscope Metrics Inc., 2016