The goal of this project is to implement the FastSLAM algorithm to enable a TurtleBot robot to map a room by itself using laser scans.
To build the C++ version you will need the OpenCV library installed. Additionally, Boost is required to run the test program to parse JSON in the input file. Here are the instructions on how to install OpenCV and here is the same fot Boost.
To build the Fast SLAM library, change into the cpp
directory and run make
. This will generate the executable bin/main
as well was the static library lib/libslam.a
. If, instead, only the library is needed, run make lib
To build the node, go to the root directory of the project (catkin_workspace
) and run source devel/setup.bash
followed by catkin_make
. You should only do this after building the libslam library.
Finally, to run the node, run rosrun fast_slam_cpp fast_slam_cpp_node
after bringing roscore