NFE Team presents custom Firmware for Joyetech, Wismec and Eleaf battery mods
Use NFE Toolbox for installing firmware and configuring your device.
- eVic VTC Mini
- eVic VTC Dual
- eVic VTwo Mini
- eVic VTwo
- eVic AIO
- eVic Basic
- eGrip II / Light
- Cuboid Mini
- Cuboid
- Cuboid 200
- Presa TC75W
- Presa TC100W
- Reuleaux RX75
- Reuleaux RXmini
- Reuleaux RX200
- Reuleaux RX200S
- Reuleaux RX2/3
- Reuleaux RX300
- VF Lite
- VF Stout
- VF Classic
- BV Centurion
- La Petite Box
- Aster
- iStick Pico 75W
- iStick Pico Mega 80W
- iStick Pico Dual
- iStick TC100W
- iStick TC200W
- iStick iPower 80W
The safe use of our software one of our main goals. We retain all factory restrictions, because the device manufacturer is not just for fun made them. What we call limitations?
- Minimal Resistance (For all supported devices)
- 0.05 Ohm for Temperature Control mode
- 0.1 Ohm for Vari-Watt mode
- Output Wattage (Depending on the device)
- Maximum Charging Current (Depending on the device)
- Maximum Output Current (Depending on the device)
- Output Voltage Range (Depending on the device)
"Depending on the device" means that each device has own values, which are choosen by the manufacturer. The exact values you can find on the product page on the manufacturer's website.
All requests to change these values will be rejected as we don't want you to hurt yourself or your device.
The main difference is the profile based user interface, so to say, the DNA-style, and the larger focus on customization than original Joyetech firmware. Profile is the set of parameters of used atomizer, such as coil material, resistance, power and temperature values. The user have 8 profiles which can be edited with NFE Toolbox, and which can be assigned to his favourite atomizers.
Profiles can be switched automatically, based on saved coil resistance, and in manual mode. All you need to use the automatic switch is to enable "Smart" mode, install atomizer and assign them to the desired profile.
When you re-install this atomizer later, assigned profile will be activated automatically. If resistance of installed atomizer is not found in profiles, you'll be prompted to select new profile or re-assign existing. When you switching manually to profile that have saved resistance mismatch, you'll be prompted to update or keep settings of selected profile.
Hold Fire and Plus buttons for a 1 second to enter menu.
- Wire - coil material, temperature sensing or not (VW), can be set to standard or user-defined TFR;
- Coil - saved resistance;
- TCR - value can be edited when selected Joyetech TC algo with custom TCR;
- T. Dom - temperature-dominant regulation style;
- Preheat - power control, use preheat or power curve;
- PI-Reg - PI Regulator for TC mode, improves power and temperature stabilization:
- PI-Reg On/Off - switch between stock Joyetech and PI regulation;
- Range - 0..100% - temperature range when PI regulation becomes active. 0 means that regulator is always on and controls power distribution from start of puff, 20% for example - PI regulator turns on when temperature of coil reached 20% range from profile settings;
- P - proportional constant, the larger it is, the sharper the power changed;
- I - integral constant, the larger it is, the settled power distribution is smoother.
- Dim - time to dim display;
- Wake <> - waking mod by pressing regulatory buttons;
- Charge - show additional information on charging screen, battery voltage(s) and board temperature;
- Logo - show logo on main screen;
- Clock - show clock on screen:
- Type - analog or digital;
- On Main - show clock on main screen;
- Saver - show clock in standby mode;
- Contrast - adjust brightness of display;
- Skin - change main screen style.
- 1 Watt - increment/decrement power by 1,0 Watt;
- Menu - New - switch profiles using Selector, Old - switching via standard Edit Main action;
- Smart - automatic switching profiles settings:
- On/Off;
- resistance tolerance;
- show Profile Menu after assigning new;
- Clicks - actions assigned on 2/3/4 Fire button clicks:
- None;
- Edit Main - Joyetech default 3-clicks action;
- Profiles - Profiles Selector;
- T. Dom - temperature-dominant on/off;
- Clock - show/hide clock on main screen;
- On/Off - switch mod on/off;
- LSL - switch light sleep mode on/off;
- Main Menu - enter Main Menu, the same as Fire + ;
- Preheat - preheat settings for active profile;
- Edit Profile - enter Profile Menu;
- Smart On/Off
- Show Info Screen
- RTC - realtime clock setup;
- Expert - settings for advanced users:
- NoSlp - do not enter deep sleep mode while connected to USB;
- Charge - device is charging batteries while connected to USB;
- BVO - batteries voltages offset;
- BATT - battery discharge profile;
- SHUNT - Ohm-meter correction;
- ChkTCR - check coil material TCR, switching this option to off can eliminate TCR Error on heavy coils;
- RCOBC - Reset Counters on Battery Change, clear vaping statistics;
- X32 - RTC module uses secondary 32768 Hz oscillator, if present;
- LSL - Light Sleep Mode, for devices without secondary oscillator keep RTC accurate. It takes some more energy in standby mode, so user will be warned by ! sign right of battery indicator;
- TEMP - board temperature sensor, Ext - thermistor, Int - MCU
Shows brief hardware information and some stats.
* TBXin - for NFE Products, ideas and tests
* Zinger - for graphics, ideas and tests
* ClockSelect - for great project called myevic
The firmware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty. It is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the firmware is with you.
If you like our project and you want to help in its development, you can donate us the amount of money you deem acceptable.