cd qq-bot && npm install
复制并修改config/koishi.sample.js为config/koishi.js, 添加或修改需要的参数
const contextBuilder = require('sb-qq-bot-framework/lib/contextBuilder.js')
const appCtx = contextBuilder((app) => app, 'use app as context')
const userCtx = contextBuilder((app) => app.users, 'user context')
type: 'node_module' || 'local',
path: 'Path/to/plugin', // required when type is "local"
require: 'my-commonJS-plugin', // required when type is "node_module"
options: {}, // options for plugin. see options in koishi js
priority: Number, // this is for plugin loader to sort the plugins. Sort by desending when priority >=0, ascending when priotity < 0.
filter: Function || Array[Function], // function takes (meta, storage) as parameter, returning a boolean or a promise that resolves as boolean.
// when Array is given, it stop executing and filtering out the message if one of elements returns false or a promise resolves as false.
prependFilter: Function || Array[Function], // same as filter. For prependMiddleware()
webPath: String // for web views
const filters = require('sb-qq-bot-framework/lib/filters')
// ...
// blocklist example
filter: [filter.blockGroup(123456788), filter.blockUser(10089), filter.blockGroupUser({
123456789: [123456, 567890]
// group 123456788, user 10089, 123456 and 567890 in group 123456789 will be blocked.
// whitelist example
filter: [filter.exclusiveGroup(123456788), filter.onlyAdmin]
// only the owner or admins of group 123456788 will not be blocked
所有提供的filter均返回Promise, 所以你可以通过.then()来链式定义filter
filter: meta => filter.exclusiveGroup(123456788).then(result => result || meta.$parsed.message !== 'disable' )
// only group 123456788 could send "disable" to plugin
const contextBuilder = require('sb-qq-bot-framework/lib/contextBuilder.js')
module.exports = [
for: contextBuilder((app) => app, 'anyone'),
use: [{
type: 'node_module',
require: 'my-plugin',
priority: 1,
filter: [filter.blockUser(123456788)]
type: 'local',
path: 'manage-plugin',
priority: 99999,
filter: [filter.exclusiveGroup(123456788), filter.onlyAdmin]
在koishi插件定义的基础上提供了扩展的api供您提供网页支持,以及通过shared state和网页共享数据
// a plugin for sb-qq-bot-framework = 'my-plugin'
module.exports.webPath = 'web'
module.exports.init = function(options) => Any // => initial shared state
module.exports.webView = function(options, storage) => Express // express web view instance, storage is the return value of init()
module.exports.apply = function(ctx, options, storage) // storage is the return value of init()