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forge sdk for java development. For Forge-related setup, please checkout Forge

A detailed reference manual for forge-java-sdk can be found here.


if you are using gradle ,you have to add url to your repositories

 repositories {
      maven { url "" }

 dependencies {
     implementation 'io.grpc:grpc-netty:1.20.0'

and java version must >= 8.


Step 0

First get your Forge running on local with Forge CLI. Or you know another's node config info.

Step 1

Find the config your forge is using by forge ps, find forge section, and get endpoint.



Step 0: create a project.

Create a SpringBoot gradle project. and ZX forge-java-sdk to it's dependencies.

brew install springboot
spring init --build=gradle --language=kotlin {project_name}

Step 1: connect to Forge Node.

val forge = ForgeSDK.connect("localhost",28210)

when you want to connect with forge node.

Step 2: create a wallet.

val chainInfo = forge.getLazyChainInfo().info //get chain info
val alice = forge.createWallet()

you have to declare your account like sign up your account on chain.

Step 3: Query your account information.

// create a stream to listen account state
val accountRequest = forge.getAccountState(object : StreamObserver<ResponseGetAccountState> {
	override fun onNext(value: ResponseGetAccountState?) {"\nAccountState balance:\n${BigInteger(value?.state?.balance?.unSign?.value?.toByteArray())}")
	override fun onError(t: Throwable?) {}
	override fun onCompleted() {}

this interface is a gRPC stream

Step 4: CheckIn/Poke your wallet to get some token.

Thread.sleep(5000) //wait for block to commit

wait some seconds, check your account balance .

Step 5: Transfer your token to other.

create another wallet (suppose: Bob) as step 2.

//create a transfer tx and send
forge.transfer(alice, bob.address, BigDecimal("2E18").toBigInteger())

if it works, response will return a hash string. you can query this hash use forgeSDK,or query it in forgeWeb. After this tx confirmed, check Alice and Bob 's accounts to confirm if this transaction successfully.

More usage

Create wallet by existing private key

val wallet = WalletInfo.fromSk(yourPrivateKey)

Sign a transaction

//create inner transaction ,you can custom inner transaction by custom protocol
val innerTx = Transfer.TransferTx.newBuilder()
//create transaction
transaction = TransactionFactory.createTransaction(chanId = "forge",from = alice.address, pk =,itx = innerTx.toByteString(), typeUrl = TypeUrls.TRANSFER)
//sign a transaction
val tx = transaction.signTx( //In java : TransactionExtKt.signTx(transaction,
//send a transaction
val response = forge.sendTx(tx)

MultiSig a transaction

What is Multisig?

//inner transaction need multiSig
val exchange = Exchange.ExchangeTx.newBuilder()
        .setTo(delegateeTo ?: to)
//create exchange tranaction and sender sign it
var transaction = TransactionFactory.createTransaction(chainId, from.address,, exchange.toByteString(), TypeUrls.EXCHANGE).signTx(

//multiSig this transaction
transaction = transaction.multiSig(toWallet)

What MultiSig actually do

// create a multiSig instance by wallet
val multisigBuilder = Type.Multisig.newBuilder()
    .setData(data ?: Any.getDefaultInstance())
// add multiSig to origin transaction
val transaction = originTx.toBuilder().addSignatures(0,
// sign tx.
val sig = Signer.sign(wallet.getSignType(), Hasher.hash(wallet.getHashType(), transaction.toByteArray()),
val multiSig = multisigBuilder.setSignature(sig.toByteString()).builder()
// add multiSig to origin transaction ,then send it.
val finalTx = originTx.toBuilder().addSignatures(0, multiSig).build()


What's asset

create asset: response is send transaction response and address is asset address, if transaction send successfully

val (response, address) = forge.createAsset("your asset binary type", assetBinary, "assetMoniker", wallet)

common consume asset: if asset creator sell asset to others ,and others want to consume asset

val response = forge.consumeAsset(assetAddress, assetCreator , assetOwner)

child account consume asset: if application want to others to check asset.

//create pre Tx for ticket owner to multiSign and consume asset
val preTx = TransactionFactory.preConusmeAsset(, gateKeeper, issuer.address)

//consume multiSig tx
val finalTx = TransactionFactory.finalizeMultiSig(preTx, consumer, data = Any.newBuilder()

//send tx ,you can check it at
val rsp = forge.sendTx(finalTx)


What's delegation

// Alice create a delegation to Bob, rules is limit string, such as 'itx.value < 100',then
// If transfer value is more than 100, Bob signed transfer will fail
var response = forge.createDelegate(from = alice, to = bob, rules= listOf(), typeUrl)

//create a transfer transaction by Bob
var transferTx = TransactionFactory.unsignTransfer("forge",bob.address,, "otherAddress", BigInteger.TEN.unSign())

//set a delegatee an then signed by Bob
transferTx = transferTx.delegatee(alice).signTx(

//send tx , and alice balance reduce
val response = forge.sendTx(transferTx)

::: tip TBA is the default currency on Forge Chain. 1 TBA has 18 digits, so it shows as 1000000000000000000. and decimal is 18. :::

For java user

There is some usecase

Java user can use kotlin object like below:


and use kotlin extention like below:

TransactionExtKt.multiSig(tx, alice)

🎉 Congratulations! You have finished the tutorial! Now you should have a general sense about how Forge works. Now continue to explore ! simple demo project

Welcome contribution

Want to contribute? Great! First, read this page

Setup Develop Environment

first, you have to install forge-cli and setup a local chain.

make sure you have installed java ,make and ktlint.

clone this Repo. and open terminal in this Repo. run:

make build

//if you want update protobuf, run first
make download-proto
make genForgeSDK

it will start a SpringBoot example.

curl http://localhost:8081/

and it will return forge info.

Now, you can add your code to this project and feel free to create request pull or issue .

Code reviews

All submissions, including submissions by project members, require review. We use GitHub pull requests for this purpose.

Before you commit your code ,please run make test to make sure all test is passed. and there is a pre-commit to check kotlin code.

Thank you for considering contributing, and feel free to contribute .