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Building Libraries

Gage Larsen edited this page Mar 9, 2022 · 8 revisions

Building Libraries

Things to know...

  • Options don't work together right now. When one is True, the others should be False.
  • Building the python builds doesn't add any libraries to your path.
  • Options in the profile used by the conan install MUST match options in the cmake command
  • You must have conan installed
  • You must have xmsconan installed ** This can be installed directly from git, python -m pip install git+, or you can clone the repository and install it locally.


  1. Clone Repository
  2. Create a 'build' directory
  3. From the build directory run the conan install command
$ conan install -pr ../dev/<profile_name> ..
  • profile_name is the name of the profile you want to use. They are housed in a folder called dev in your root directory.
  • Make sure the profile has the options and settings listed below.
  • if there is no dev folder or no profile in that folder you can create one with the following options
os=Windows                # windows, linux, macos
os_build=Windows          # windows, linux, macos
arch=x86_64               # x86 or x86_64
arch_build=x86_64         # x86 or x86_64
compiler=Visual Studio    # visual studio, clang, gcc
build_type=Release        # Release or Debug
<lib_name>:xms=True       # True or False
<lib_name>:pybind=False   # True or False
<lib_name>:testing=True   # True or False
  1. Run the cmake command
# System with make
# System with visual studio
$ cmake -DIS_PYTHON_BUILD=FALSE -DBUILD_TESTING=TRUE -DXMS_BUILD=FALSE -G "Visual Studio <version> <year> Win64" ..
  • IS_PYTHON_BUILD, BUILD_TESTING, XMS_BUILD should match the settings you chose in the profile.
  • if your building 32-bit just remove the "Win64" from previous command.
  1. If your on a system with make you can run the make command with its arguments. If you want to build with Visual Studio the cmake command generated you a visual studio project which you can open and use to build. Make sure to set the architecture and type to the settings in your profile you used to generate the files.
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