Highlights of features/bugfixes in this release:
Close PG connection when cleaning up project
Catch QueueNotFound error in TQ REST API
Use security token when making Monit API calls
Add E2E test for queries involving ID separator
Error handling for starting or terminating instances
Handle UpdateIndexes calls
Add appscale-admin restart command
Use hmac helper for authentication check
Stop services in a particular order
Handle ID separator in key name
Do not delete push task names immediately
Fix nginx config for handlers with secure field
Reduce diffs with the 1.8.0 SDK (Part 2)
Autoscale logs
Remove BR service
Do not validate SSL certs for SOAP services
PullQueueus on postgresql
Copy PATH variable from controller environment
Detect missing row when applying transaction
Install older tornado when Python is too old
Add transactional counter test
Remove indexless sorted ancestor queries
Counts only ESTABLISHED connections
Reject lease modifications that specify wrong ETA
Controller application upload error output now escaped
AppManager should not re-extract source for an application revision
Determine new_eta for leased tasks later
Use ranges to keep track of merge join queries
AppDashboard redirect cleanup
Java app server disable TLSv1 protocol
Use yaml.safe_load rather than yaml.load
Simplify rollback_transaction method
Install headless OpenJDK package
Remove sshguard
Java AppServer javac build options update for version and debug
Continue preparing archive despite being a hoster
Limit version of soap4r-ng
Disable TLS for ejabberd's http_bind module
Add more logging to pull queue operations
Restart rsyslog so the app logs can be recreated
Clean up group locks when possible
Fix blobstore-backed GCS operations
Use HTTP API to stop Monit services
Skip Nginx connection change for Docker build
Define proper Java version for Trusty
Assign the proper number of datastore to machines
RM-626 Fetch application archive as soon as it's available in deployment
Handle NoSuchProcess error as success when terminating process
Increase open file limit for nginx
Handle reads with the index past the last block
Replace stub with TaskQueue client
Wait for all hosts before creating tables
RM-550 Hermes taskqueue stats
Reduce diffs with the 1.8.0 SDK
Handle timeouts when querying available tasks
Ensure Celery worker gets restarted
Allow PHP instances to use external API server
Skip stats generation on undeployed projects
AppController appserver check thread should exit when there is no work
Handle "service" element
Use external App Identity service for Java apps
Install OpenJDK 8 on Trusty
Allow Go instances to use external API server
Continue starting deployment if system user exists
Handle exception when fetching datastore servers
Use the ServiceManager to start datastore servers
Retry creating system users when AppScale starts
RM-542 Async datastore (communication with Cassandra)
Fix the version delete API method
Give more informative messages for GQL errors
Fix dashboard app list
Issue-2731 Increase Hermes concurrency
Consider the version's previous ports as available
RM-616: Use project_id not versions_key to list apps
Retry operations when nodes are not available
RM-624 Start AppManager on compute nodes only
Define the Cassandra cluster load balancing policy
Register instances with ZooKeeper
Allow Java AppServer to use an external API Server
Upgrade to Cassandra 3.11.2
Add option to update all composite indexes
RM-592 - Ensure haproxy configuration is up-to-date
Adjustable max appservers
Simplify datastore error handling
Pin eventlet version
Replace usages of execute_concurrent
Add a scatter property to some entities
Use datastore server registry to toggle read-only mode
Handle docker as a provider
Wait for all load balancers to route instances
RM-589 handle failure on fetching local stats
You can’t perform that action at this time.