Highlights of features/bugs in this release:
Add datastore viewer to the dashboard
Improve lb responsiveness
Transaction groomer
Add push queue stats to Hermes
Allow group locks to persist when commits fail
Allow different instance type per role
Handle key inequality filter within property value
Change appengine role to compute
Whitelist inbound service warmup
Run apps without application element in app.yaml
Use prefix for the haproxy app config file
Prevent ProjectGroomer worker from stopping
Stick to the duty cycle length
Capture Net::ReadTimeout when using Net::HTTP
Haproxy consolidate apps
Patch for GAE Issue # 12783 - Conditional import of RAND_egd from _ssl
Don't clear cron jobs during an up
Remove tcp_tw_recycle option
Replace reference to deprecated role
Reduce Cassandra memory if running other services
Allow the dashboard to be updated
Differentiate between project IDs and version keys
Encode entity names when acquiring lock
Add external API server
Allow Hermes to check RabbitMQ status
Fix JSP compilation under Java 8
Handle missing WEB-INF directory
Account properly for pending AppServer.
Handle UpdateCron requests
Quote environment variables
Don't wait for taskqueue master to start rabbitmq
Autoscale with N load balancer nodes
Set log after restart
Clear logs when flushing
Add support for Jessie
Remove support for precise
Use tornado coroutines when performing retries.
Add bin, bout, hrsp_4xx, hrsp_5xx to proxy.frontend include list
Retrieve inbound services from ZooKeeper
Start proper epmd service even without RabbitMQ
Perform ZK operations off of the Kazoo thread
Keep track of ZooKeeper state with TransactionManager
Move AppControllerClient to separate package
Kill instances when they exceed memory limit
Set up blobstore routing on each load balancer
Wait after a restore for cluster to be ready
Access Tokens for Admin API
Forward add_routing_for_appserver
Include version headers when making TQ requests
Do not raise HttpError outside context of HTTP request
Use custom template for combined app log messages
Define property name based on rsyslog version
Return appropriate error when a queue is not found
Fix pidfile for RabbitMQ in Docker
Add sandbox function for expanduser.
You can’t perform that action at this time.