Hello, I'm Joey 👋
resource "github_introduction" "joey" {
name = "Joey Stout"
interests = ["kubernetes", "opentofu", "nodejs", "python", "gitops"]
resume = "https://apollorion.com/joeysResume.pdf"
where_you_can_find_me = [
"mailto:[email protected]",
projects = [
spacelift_modules = [
blog_posts = [
2025-02-16: Me: Door dash is so expensive also me: but you dont have to get up
2025-02-14: Sleepy Donald Trump, lights on nobody is home www.tiktok.com/t/ZP8Yuvau3/
2025-02-13: How is Mayor Humdinger not in prison for life???
2025-02-12: I'm a dem through and through, but isn't "Golf of America" more inclusive? Mexico is part of America, North America to be specific. It would be horrible if it was "Gulf Of United States Of America", but the name Trump is trying to push is inclusive of Mexico.