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Apodini Leaf

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Apodini Leaf is a small Apodini extension to support the Leaf teamplating engine. The Leaf documentation provides a good overview of the usage of Leaf.

Integrate Swift Package

To use Apodini Leaf you have to add it as a depenency to your Swift Package in your Package.swift file. As Apodini Leaf is extending Apodini it is also currenlty using 0.X releases and every minor version number increment could include breaking changes. Therefore using .upToNextMinor(from: "0.1.0") is advised:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMinor(from: "0.1.0")),
    // More package dependencies ...

Next add ApodiniLeaf as a target dependency to your web service target:

    name: "MyWebService",
    dependencies: [
        .product(name: "Apodini", package: "Apodini"),
        .product(name: "ApodiniLeaf", package: "ApodiniLeaf"),
        // More target dependencies ...

Now you can import ApodiniLeaf in your web service:

import ApodiniLeaf


To use ApodiniLeaf, you have to define a LeafConfiguration in your WebService instance. You can pass in a Bundle or absolute path. In this example we have defined Swift Package resources using the resources definition in our Package.Swift file:

    name: "MyWebService",
    dependencies: [
        // ...
    resources: [

The folder structure looks like follows:

├── Package.swift
├── Resources
│   ├── Example.leaf
└── Sources
    └── ...

The example Leaf file has the following content:


We use the Bundle.module to access the created resources bundle in the WebService configuration to configure the LeafRenderer as follows:

struct TestWebService: WebService {
    var configuration: Configuration {
    var content: some Component {

Now that we have defined the configuration, we can use the LeafRenderer in our Apodini Handlers using the @Environment property wrapper:

struct ExampleHandler: Handler {
    @Environment(\.leafRenderer) var leafRenderer: LeafRenderer
    func handle() -> some ResponseTransformable {
        struct ExampleContent: Encodable {
            let title: String
            let body: String
        let content = ExampleContent(title: "Paul", body: "Hello!")
        return leafRenderer.render(path: "Example", context: content)

The ExampleHandler uses the @Environment property wrapper to retrieve the LeafRenderer and uses a Swift struct to fill in the content and renders the HTML using the LeafRenderer's render(path:context:) method. For more information about Leaf, please refer to the Leaf documentation.


Contributions to this project are welcome. Please make sure to read the contribution guidelines and the contributor covenant code of conduct first.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See License for more information.