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Velocity Alert Plugin


A simple Velocity plugin that alerts/announces players in your entire server network. You can use this feature to warn players about an upcoming server/proxy restart, or announce any other important message you want to mention.


  • /alert (message)
  • Permission node is alert.command.permission (recommended for staff only; you can setup the permissions in your permission plugin)
  • Colored messages with HEX color support
  • Config file where you can customise the alert message prefixes and colors.

Supported Formats

A list of supported formats with links on how to use them.

Format Examples

Here are some basic examples of those 3 different formats: ([ALERT] Warning!)

  • Legacy: /alertlegacy &cWarning!
  • JSON: /alertjson {"text":"Warning!","color":"red"}
  • XML (MiniMessage): /alertxml <red>Warning!

Or you can use /alert by changing the format in the config file. The defaults format is lagacy.

Installation and Setup

  1. Download the latest Alert plugin here from GitHub or from Modrinth.
  2. Place the plugin in the plugins folder of your proxy server.
  3. Restart your proxy and that's it! The plugin should be loaded.

If you have any questions or have found a problem, please report it to