This sensor is downloading json data from EGD webpage. The integration needs the postal code and the HDO code (A,B,DP). These information can be checked on EGD web site The postal code and the HDO code have to be defined in configuration.yaml
This sensor shows
- current state of HDO
- remaining time to change status
Make sure you have HACS installed. If you don't, run curl -sfSL | bash -
in HA.
Then choose Components under HACS. Choose the menu in the upper right, and select Custom repositories. Then add this repo's URL. You should be able to choose to Install now.
Clone this repository or download the source code as a zip file and add/merge the custom_components/
folder with its contents in your configuration directory.
Add the following to your configuration.yaml
# HDO example for D57d tarif - you can create multiple binary sensors (A3B7P1 A3B7P2 A3B7P6)
# Split `A3B7P01` into A3 -> 3, B7 -> 7, P01 -> 01
- platform: egddistribuce
name: egdTAR
psc: 60200
code_a: "3"
code_b: "7"
code_dp: "01"
price_vt: "2.11469"
price_nt: "0.24611"
- platform: egddistribuce
name: egdPV
psc: 60200
code_a: "3"
code_b: "7"
code_dp: "02"
price_vt: "2.11469"
price_nt: "0.24611"
- platform: egddistribuce
name: egdTUV
psc: 60200
code_a: "3"
code_b: "7"
code_dp: "06"
price_vt: "2.11469"
price_nt: "0.24611"
# HDO example for smart meter with code `d57`, used in graph
- platform: egddistribuce
name: hdo
psc: "smart"
code_a: "d57"
price_vt: "2.11469"
price_nt: "0.24611"
# current HDO price
- sensor:
- name: "cena_distribuce_eg_d"
unit_of_measurement: "Kč/kWh"
state_class: measurement
state: "{{ state_attr('binary_sensor.hdo', 'current_price')}}"
Codes are sometimes printed on you energy meter, or you can find them on your
You can show them in a graph, with other entities, for example spot prices from Czech Energy Spot Prices (
type: custom:apexcharts-card
graph_span: 2d
start: day
stacked: true
show: false
tickAmount: 16
max: 8
type: column
show: true
label: Nyní
show: true
show_states: true
- entity: binary_sensor.hdo
float_precision: 2
func: avg
duration: 1hour
in_header: before_now
unit: Kč/kWh
data_generator: >
return Object.entries(entity.attributes.HDO_HOURLY).map(([date, value],
index) => {
return [new Date(date).getTime(), value];
- entity: sensor.current_spot_electricity_price
float_precision: 2
in_header: before_now
data_generator: |
return Object.entries(entity.attributes).map(([date, value], index) => {
return [new Date(date).getTime(), (value + 0.35 + 0.028 + 0.114 )* 1.21];
Since spot prices are (at the moment) hourly and HDO can be in 15 minute increments, for the graph to work well, both entities must have the same interval duration. Function group_by
takes care of it. In this example it groups by 1 hour, because that works for me well. In your case, maybe 30minutes
or even 15minutes
might be equired.
adding remaining time in GUI page
- entity: binary_sensor.hdo_nizky_tarif
name: Zbývající čas
type: attribute
attribute: remaining_time
For the newly added integration to be loaded, HA needs to be restarted.
- PRE Distribuce - Home Assistant Sensor (
- CEZ Distribuce - Home Assistant Sensor (