This repository contains a collection of assorted scripts written by TKP members for manipulating LOFAR data. Members are encouraged to add any scripts they write which might be of interest to others.
Please place any new scripts in a directory which should include the script plus any supporting files. Also add a (brief!) "README" file describing what the script does and any instructions for running it, and update the listing below.
- data_volume
- Estimate the volume of visibilities produced for a given observation.
- dump_transients_to_csv
- An example of how to work with MonetDB. Dumps transients to CSV tables.
- elevation
- Calculates the elevation relative to the Superterp for a given RA, Dec and observation time.
- find_flash
- Finds new transient sources in fits images.
- `find_preprocessed_data < >`_
- Finds the preprocessed data on CEP2 for a given obsid.
- `find_raw_data < >`_
- Finds the raw data on CEP2 for a given obsid.
- flag_bad_station_standalone
- A standalone script for automatically flagging bad stations in a measurement set.
- generate_voevent
- Generate a voevent alert packet from a given transient_id.
- ms_diff
- Calculate the difference between two MeasurementSets.
- posangle_from_zenith
- Calculate the position angle of an observation from the zenith.
- simulated_datasets
- Scripts used to create and analyse simulated datasets.
- TraP_QC_diagnostics
- A script that uses TraP outputs analyse the quality of images and outputs the recommended QC settings for TraP.
- TraP_QC_plots
- Creates a variety of plots to give an overview of the quality of a given dataset for TraP.
- TraP_source_overview
- Creates plots of the transient parameters for all sources in a dataset.
- Tidy_Miriad
- Inserts the required fits header fields which are missing in Miriad images. The images can then be processed by and TraP.
- Tidy_Mosaic
- Inserts the required fits header fields which are missing in the LOFAR mosaic images. The images can then be processed by and TraP.
- uvw
- Calculate the UVW coordinates of a given baseline.