Yet another custom pull to refresh for your needs.
Inspired by Google Chrome iOS app
You can simply setup your own chrome style pull to refresh using the initializer below
* To initialize ADChromePullToRefresh use this designated initializer
* @param view - view to overlay by pull to refresh
* @param scrollView - for which scrollView we add pull to refresh
* @param scrollViewOriginalOffsetY - initial offset y of the given scrollView
* @param delegate - object conformed to ADChromePullToRefreshDelegate protocol
init(view: UIView, forScrollView scrollView: UIScrollView, scrollViewOriginalOffsetY: CGFloat, delegate: ADChromePullToRefreshDelegate)
To provide custom handler for pull to refresh actions you need to implement this delegate methos in your class
* Use this function to provide an action for the given action view type
func chromePullToRefresh(_ pullToRefresh: ADChromePullToRefresh, actionForViewWithType: ADChromePullToRefreshActionViewType) -> ADChromePullToRefreshAction?
You're able to customize pull to refresh action view according to your needs 🚀
* Use this function to create view with icon for the given pullToRefresh. To customize view use subclass of
* ADChromePullToRefreshActionView
* @see ADChromePullToRefreshActionView.swift
* @see UITableViewDelegate - similar method to get header and footer view
func chromePullToRefresh(_ pullToRefresh: ADChromePullToRefresh, viewWithType: ADChromePullToRefreshActionViewType) -> ADChromePullToRefreshActionView
To integrate ADPuzzleAnimation into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
source ''
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'ADChromePullToRefresh', '~> 0.5'