Standalone implementation for Domoticz Home Automation. It means that you can put this server wherever you want, even on another machine. You need to setup a project in Actions on Google Console. You find instructions below.
Based on Pawcio's script at Domoticz Forum
- public url
- python >= 3.5
- Make local deployment available trough HTTPS with valid certificate:
- Use ngrok for a secure SSL tunnel with valid public HTTPS URL
- Configure reverse proxy with domain name and valid certificate using Lets Encrypt
Domoticz-Google-Assistant delivers:
- The oauth authorization and smarthome endpoint for the google assistant.
- Two-factor authentication pin for domoticz protected devices. (limited language support)
- Acknowledgement with Yes or No. (limited language support)
- Arm Disarm Securitypanel. (limited language support)
- On/Off, Brightness, Thermostat, Color Settings, speaker volume, Lock/Unlock, Scene and Open/Close.
- Stream surveillance camera to chromecast.
- Toggle Selector switches.
- Ngrok, instantly create a public HTTPS URL. Don't have to open any port on router and do not require a reverse proxy.
Please feel free to modify it, extend and improve
Just open a terminal window and execute this command. Then set up Actions on Google. Thats it!
bash <(curl -s