HTML Structure:
Defines the basic structure of the web page using HTML. Includes meta tags for character set, viewport settings, and compatibility. CSS Styling:
Utilizes an external stylesheet (style.css) for styling the elements on the page. Implements responsive design with the use of classes and styling rules. Search Box:
Features a search box to enter the location for which weather information is desired. Utilizes an input field and a search button (searchBtn). Location Not Found Section:
Displays a section with a message and an image in case the entered location is not found. Weather Display Section:
Shows the weather information for the specified location. Includes an image (weather-img) representing the weather conditions. Displays temperature (temperature) in degrees Celsius and a weather description (description). Weather Details Section:
Provides additional details such as humidity and wind speed. Uses icons (FontAwesome) for droplet (humidity) and wind. Displays humidity percentage (humidity) and wind speed (wind-speed). JavaScript Integration:
Links to an external JavaScript file (script.js) for dynamic functionality. Uses JavaScript to handle user input, make API requests for weather data, and update the UI accordingly. FontAwesome Icons: Includes FontAwesome icons for the search button, droplet (humidity), and wind. API Integration: Requires knowledge of making API requests to fetch weather data for the entered location.