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REST API Testing Collection with Assertions

Hello All, This is a REST API collection which can be used for testing and for Basic Hands-on.
Documentation can be viewed here:

We have two endpoints.

  1. /users
  2. /department

User folder has following:

  1. GET method fetches the complete data of users
  2. GET method fetches the data of single user.
  3. POST method to create a new user with id=11.
  4. PATCH method to modify the user email.
  5. PUT method to modify the complete user details.
  6. DELETE method to delete user at id=11.
  7. POST method to create a new user with id=11.

Department folder has following:

  1. GET method to fetch all department details
  2. PATCH method to modify department name for dpt id=5.

I have used json-server which is used to create demo REST JSON services within a short span of minutes.

Steps to start the json-server:

  1. Install npm and json-server:
    npm install -g json-server

  2. Start json-server:
    json-server --watch db.json

NOTE: db.json file will be created in your working project directory and you can modify the content present in there.

3.To create mock data I have used Mockaroo. Mockaroo is a free test data generator and API mocking tool.

  1. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000/, once your json-server is up and running you will be able to see JSON Server home page and under Resources our endpoint will displayed.

  2. Access the endpoint : http://localhost:3000/users

  3. Implementation of newman htmlextra report: To install newman htmlextra: npm install -g newman-reporter-htmlextra Export the Post Collection in json format. Open command prompt and navigate to the Postman Collection. Execute the command: newman run Rest_Postman.postman_collection.json -r htmlextra

Thank You
Happy Coding,
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