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Client interface for Open Concept Lab terminology services API.

# Developer Setup

The OCL web server requires a few environment variables to operate. The easiest
way to do this during development is to put the `export` calls in your `virtualenv`
__postactivate__ script, found in the `bin` directory under the specific
ocl_web virtualenv directory.

export OCL_API_HOST='<your_api_server_ip>''
export OCL_API_TOKEN='<token for accessing API as admin>''
export OCL_ANON_API_TOKEN='<token for anon access>'

# for deployment
export OCL_WEB_HOST='<web_host_ip>'
export FAB_USER='deploy'
export FAB_PASSWORD=''

export DATABASE_URL=sqlite:////$HOME/webapps/ocl_web/src/ocl.db


cookiecutter-django relies extensively on environment settings which **will not work with Apache/mod_wsgi setups**. It has been deployed successfully with both Gunicorn/Nginx and even uWSGI/Nginx.

For configuration purposes, the following table maps the cookiecutter-django environment variables to their Django setting:

======================================= =========================== ============================================== ===========================================
Environment Variable                    Django Setting              Development Default                            Production Default
======================================= =========================== ============================================== ===========================================
DJANGO_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID                AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID           n/a                                            raises error
DJANGO_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY            AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY       n/a                                            raises error
DJANGO_AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME          AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME     n/a                                            raises error
DJANGO_CACHES                           CACHES                      locmem                                         memcached
DJANGO_DATABASES                        DATABASES                   See code                                       See code
DJANGO_DEBUG                            DEBUG                       True                                           False
DJANGO_EMAIL_BACKEND                    EMAIL_BACKEND               django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend
DJANGO_SECRET_KEY                       SECRET_KEY                  CHANGEME!!!                                    raises error
DJANGO_SECURE_BROWSER_XSS_FILTER        SECURE_BROWSER_XSS_FILTER   n/a                                            True
DJANGO_SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT              SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT         n/a                                            True
DJANGO_SECURE_CONTENT_TYPE_NOSNIFF      SECURE_CONTENT_TYPE_NOSNIFF n/a                                            True
DJANGO_SECURE_FRAME_DENY                SECURE_FRAME_DENY           n/a                                            True
DJANGO_SECURE_HSTS_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS   HSTS_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS     n/a                                            True
DJANGO_SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY          SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY     n/a                                            True
DJANGO_SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE            SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE       n/a                                            False
======================================= =========================== ============================================== ===========================================

* TODO: Add vendor-added settings in another table

Developer Installation

For getting this running on your local machine:

1. Set up a virtualenv.
2. Install all the supporting libraries into your virtualenv::

    pip install -r requirements/local.txt

3. Install Grunt Dependencies.

    npm install

4. Run development server. (For browser auto-reload, use Livereload_ plugins.)

    grunt serve

.. _livereload:

# Updated ReadMe for dev setup
    1. ocl_web -- git clone [email protected]:OpenConceptLab/ocl_web.git
    2. python
    3. npm
    4. Postgres 9.5
      - OSX -- 'pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l /usr/local/var/postgres/server.log start'
      - Ubuntu -- service start postgresql
    5. pip
    6. python virtualenv -- pip install virtualenv
    7. OCL API must be setup.

OclWeb Setup:
    1. cd ocl_web
    2. virtualenv env -- Creates a virtual env (env is the name of virtualenv, can give any)
    3. vi ./env/bin/activate -- and add below entries (as export/environment variable).
       OclAPI must be already setup for this, you can see the token at (8000 is the port where oclapi server is running)
            export OCL_API_HOST='<your_api_server_ip>'
            export OCL_API_TOKEN='<root_token_from_api>'
            export OCL_ANON_API_TOKEN='<root_token_from_api>'
    4. source env/bin/activate -- Activate virtual env, after this you will be inside the virtual environment.
       if you are changing anything inside the activate file as in step 3, you have to deactivate and then reactivate the virtual env.
       for deactivation of virtual env just write 'deactivate' and then use 'source env/bin/activate' to activate again.
    5. pip install -r requirements/local.txt -- Install dependencies requirement using
    6. npm install
    7. python ocl_web/ syncdb -- syncs the schema with psql
    8. python ocl_web/ migrate -- psql migrations
    8. grunt serve

    1. Inside ocl_web virtualenv -- run 'python ocl_web/ test' // this will run the unit test
    2. To run E2E tests,
       Exexute './ocl_web/' - this will run tests on showcase env using phantomjs (headless mode)
       To run these tests locally on chrome, execute command from 'ocl_web'
       'browser=chrome env=local username=<username> password=<pwd> ./node_modules/protractor/bin/protractor ./ocl_web/tests/ui_tests/conf.js'

Copyright (C) 2016 Open Concept Lab. Use of this software is subject
to the terms of the Mozille Public License v2.0. Open Concept Lab is
also distributed under the terms the Healthcare Disclaimer
described at


Web client for terminology management via the OCL API.







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  • Python 47.7%
  • HTML 38.6%
  • JavaScript 11.1%
  • Shell 1.7%
  • CSS 0.9%