This is a multiple RFID Readers system designed specifically for an Escape Room. The door will open after the 4 right cards(Tags) are read and recognized.
- Arduino UNO.
- 4 x MFRC522 RFID Reader Modules.
- 13.56 MHz RFID key/card tags.
- Relay module.
- Leds.
- Jumper wires.
- Push button (for manual opening).
- Arduino IDE.
- Arduino RFID Library for MFRC522 by miguelbalboa.
- Green Led turns on when the door opens.
- Red Led blinks slowly two times when system needs more tags (less than 4 cards).
- Red Led blinks fast many times (4, maybe?) when the card isn't allowed.
- A push button added for manual opening (intended for the cleaning staff).
Do you want to see it working ? Check the video :