You can save climate data, fetch records by area or climate, and calculate climate data deltas. Error handling is in place for various scenarios, and contributions are welcome. Please refer to the …
JavaScript UpdatedSep 25, 2023 -
ecommerce_admin Public
This is Ecommerce Admin Dashboard were we can Add Products, categories, pages .....☺☺☺☺
crypto_currency_tracker Public
This is Crypto Currency Tracker were we can Track Crypto Currency ☺☺☺☺
JavaScript UpdatedApr 28, 2022 -
flipkart_clone_api Public
This is a Flipkart Api to create user , singin user , create product, create categories and create admin account ☺☺☺☺☺...
JavaScript UpdatedApr 22, 2022 -
adShare-backend Public
File Sharing app Here we can upload a file and generate a download link ☺☺☺☺☺
JavaScript UpdatedApr 15, 2022 -
video-call-app-mern Public
In this Project, we're build a React Video Chat Application using WebRTC (Socket.io , Socket.io-client , peer , simple-peer , cors etc...).
Welcome to Sorting Visualizer!
JavaScript UpdatedMar 27, 2022 -