My DS Cheat Sheet. If you want to use them for yourself, you'll probably have to change a few things in the TeX files and recompile them again.
There are some inaccuracies in them that I am too lazy to fix at this point. If you want to fix them, create a new pull request for them and I might add them to the repository
If you want some help in how to make changes to it, here are a few resources for it
- Overleaf 30 minute LaTeX guide -
- TikZit for making graphs -
- For making tables more easily(cuz they can be a pain) -
Put your name here and here and you are done
It is highly advisable to use this only as a reference. The Process of making the actual cheat sheet is much more important than the final result. However, I understand not everyone is crazy like me to make them in