This repository contains codes for Data Structures and Algorithms Laboratory (DSAL) assignments. Each folder corresponds to an individual assignment. Click on the links below to access the respective code and resources.
Assignment 1: Binary Tree (BT)
Implementation of a basic Binary Tree and its operations. -
Assignment 2: Binary Search Tree (BST)
Implementation of a Binary Search Tree with insertion, deletion, and traversal. -
Assignment 3: Threaded BST
Implementation of a Threaded Binary Search Tree. -
Assignment 4: Hash Table Implementation
Hash Table implementation using closed addressing. -
Assignment 5: Open Hashing
Implementation of Open Hashing. -
Assignment 6: BFS and DFS Traversal in Graph
Breadth-First Search and Depth-First Search traversal on graphs. -
Assignment 7: Prim's or Kruskal (Prim's is easy)
Implementation of Prim's or Kruskal's algorithm for finding Minimum Spanning Tree. -
Assignment 8: OBST (Optimal BST)
Implementation of Optimal Binary Search Tree (OBST). -
Assignment 9: AVL Tree
Implementation of AVL Tree with rotations. -
Assignment 10: Heap Sort
Implementation of Heap Sort algorithm. -
Assignment 11: Sequential File
Working with sequential file operations. -
Assignment 12: Direct Access File
Implementation of direct access file operations.