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Wallpaper Setting

Set an image as the VSCode background.

New feature

  1. Color theme optimize of some parts can now be set individually

* Once a color theme is optimize, it can be set individually.

Click here to see the new feature.


  1. Added the ability to on demand change image for wallpaper
Click here to see the new feature.

On demand1

Good news !

This extension provides VSCode with only the background transparent.

Text and images will never be blurred.

You can concentrate on your creative work by preparing for images.

We have been researching VSCode for a long time and have finally found a way to get the color information of a theme. *

You no longer need to prepare json files for the theme you are using.

* The default theme is also supported.



Press ⇧⌘P to bring up the command pallete and enter 'Wallpaper Setting', and select the Setup.


Select the Optimize.


Enter the three types of transparency.


This completes the required work to use this extension, please select and execute the necessary setting form the menu.

This process is required once per Profile or once per Theme.

Optimized Color Theme information will be added to profile's settings.json.

Once a color theme is optimize, it can be set individually.

Click here to see the new feature.



Wallpaper - Image

You can set an image as the VSCode background.

Click here to see the parameter detail.
Name Required Description Remark
FilePath Path of the file to be used for the wallpaper.

Wallpaper - Slide

You can set a slide as the VSCode background.

Click here to see the parameter detail.
Name Required Description Remark
FilePaths Path of the files to be used for the slide.
Interval Time Image switching time. (Hour, Minute, Second, MilliSecond)
Randome Play - Randomize image switching. Default False.
Effect Fade in - Display Fade in effect when switching images. Default True.
Load wait complete - Wait for the screen to display until all images are loaded. Default False.
Depending on the images file size, startup may be slow.

Wallpaper - Movie

You can set an movie as the VSCode background.

* Mute is a specification.

Click here to see the parameter detail.
Name Required Description Remark
Playback Rate Movie playback rate. Default 1.0.


Do you have many favorite images or slides?

You can easily switch between them using the Favorite Setting.

Don't repeat yourself! with this features.

Click here to see the parameter detail.
Name Required Description Remark
Start Up - Set a random background from the favorite settings when VSCode starts up.

On demand

You can switch images without having to install your favorite images each time.

* Only favorite images.

Click here to see the parameter detail.

On demand1


You can change the image of VSCode watermark.

Then, after set the watermark setting, run Set or Reset.


By preparing a dedicated server, wallpaper can be set via WebSocket.

otherwise, an application that sends image data when a client makes a WebSocket connection can be substituted.

* Please use only trusted server as we can't verify delivery data.

Click here to see more detail.


Q. Why WebSocket instead of http ?

A. VSCode only allows https and ws in Content Security Policy


Are you developing on multiple machines?

You no longer need to hand out image! with this features.

Click here to see more detail.


First, upload the wallpaper settings you wish to Sync.


Next, download and setup the wallpaper settings on another machines.


Want to delete your uploaded wallpaper settings?

Of course you can turn it delete. Just go to the menu and click on Delete or Uninstall and your uploaded wallpaper settings will be gone!


The Sync feature is achieved by converting image data to strings in Base64 and sharing them via Settings Sync.

Settings Sync backend is probably provided by Microsoft. And definitely not intended for image data sharing.

If you try to share an image file over MB (maybe even KB) with Settings Sync, Microsoft will be offended. They will reject the this extension and possibly disable the account of the user using the this extension from Settings Sync.

If you use it, please take its dangers into consideration.

About image data to be uploaded

The Base64 string uploaded to Settings Sync is encrypted in AES256 CTR mode.

Therefore, there is no fear of prying eye.

Unless you use poor values for password and salt, or I have made a mistake in the implementation of the cryptographic call.


Didn't like this extension?

Sorry for not being able to help you.

Let's uninstall it and erase all settings related to this extension.

It won't pollute your environment.

Environment Variables Support

Environment variables can be used in the path that specifies the image file.

Click here to see more detail.
Notation Description Remark
${userHome} Returns the string path of the current user's home directory. Implementation-wise, we use node.js os.homedir.
${<Environment Variables Name>} If the environment variable specified in ${~} exists, it is replaced by its value.


Write permission

This extension modifies the following files in the VSCode installation directory, so requires write permission.

  1. /Resources/app/out/vs/code/electron-sandbox/workbench/workbench.js
  2. /Resources/app/out/vs/code/electron-sandbox/processExplorer/processExplorer.js (Only when setting the background color for Process Explorer)

Therefor, this extension cannot be used with VSCode installed from "Snap Store" App Store for Linux (Because write permission cannot be obtained).


How will this extension affect your environment ?

This extension modifies the following files in the VSCode installation directory.

  1. /Resources/app/out/vs/code/electron-sandbox/workbench/workbench.js
  2. /Resources/app/out/vs/code/electron-sandbox/processExplorer/processExplorer.js (Only when setting the background color for Process Explorer)

and following files.

  1. settings.json
  2. extensions.json (Only when using the Sync feature)

You will be warned that it is not supported

Prior to VSCode 1.72, the relevant message was not displayed. In fact, it is more correct to display.

The official explanation of this message is roughly as follows.

We are not trying to block VS Code patching, but we want to raise awareness that patching VS Code means you are running an unsupported version.

Respecting this assertion, this extension makes no attempt to prevent such messages from being displayed.

Even if we were to prevent it from being displayed, I believe the officials will block it.

External libraries used by this extension

  1. vscode/l10n
  2. jsonc-parser
  3. clean-css
  4. terser