Blog Application (MERN Stack)
This is a full-stack blog application built with the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js). It allows users to create, view, edit, and delete blog posts. The project demonstrates CRUD operations, authentication, and dynamic content rendering.
User authentication (login/register)
Create, read, update, and delete blog posts
Responsive design
Tech Stack
Frontend: React, Tailwind Css
Backend: Node.js, Express
Database: MongoDB (Mongoose)
Authentication: JWT (JSON Web Token)
#Setup Instructions Prerequisites Node.js installed MongoDB running locally or via cloud (e.g., MongoDB Atlas)
#Installation Clone the repository: git clone
Navigate to the project folder: cd blog-using-MERN
Backend Setup Install server-side dependencies:
cd backend npm install
Create a .env file in the backend folder and add the following: makefile MONGO_URI=your-mongo-uri
Start the backend server: npm start
Frontend Setup Install client-side dependencies: cd frontend npm install
Start the frontend: npm start
Usage Open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000 to view the app. Register or log in to create a blog post.