SOEN 331 Assignment 3 - Contract Programming
Submitted March 13, 2019
Mael Semler 40061228 Andy Vu 27008481 Johnston Stott 40059176
Tools needed to run the program: Eclipse Java IDE AspectJ Plugin for Eclipse adbc.jar file Available for download from Github: select the most recent file
How to configure the tools:
Configuring AspectJ plugin In Eclipse, go to Help -> Eclipse Marketplace -> Search for "AspectJ" -> Download the plugin from The Eclipse Foundation Configuring the adbc.jar file Right click on your AspectJ project and then go to properties. Go to AspectJ Build and then Inpath. Click on the Add External JARs button and place the adbc.jar file there. Click on the Apply and close Button.
How to run the code:
Once the above configuration steps are complete, place the following files in the same directory: Open Eclipse and open the file. Press the "Run" button (green icon) and observe the output of the code in the console.