Simple module that adds map clustering for both iOS and Android.
- 1.2.0 version brings new algorithm based on supercluster library. It's super fast now ;)
- Install 'react-native-maps' module. You can find all information here:
In general all you have to do to start:
npm install react-native-maps --save
react-native link react-native-maps
Minimum versions you need for this module:
react: >=15.4.0 react-native >=0.40 react-native-maps >=0.15.0
All you have to do:
npm install react-native-map-clustering --save
Usage is very simple:
- Import MapView
import MapView from 'react-native-map-clustering';
- Import Marker
import { Marker } from 'react-native-maps';
- Add this to your render method (you can put your own markers and region):
region={{latitude: 52.5, longitude: 19.2,
latitudeDelta: 8.5, longitudeDelta: 8.5}}
style={{width: mapWidth, height: mapHeight}}>
<Marker coordinate={{latitude: 52.0, longitude: 18.2}} />
<Marker coordinate={{latitude: 52.4, longitude: 18.7}} />
<Marker coordinate={{latitude: 52.1, longitude: 18.4}} />
<Marker coordinate={{latitude: 52.6, longitude: 18.3}} />
<Marker coordinate={{latitude: 51.6, longitude: 18.0}} />
<Marker coordinate={{latitude: 53.1, longitude: 18.8}} />
<Marker coordinate={{latitude: 52.9, longitude: 19.4}} />
- That's all!.
- For things like animateToRegion or animateToCoordinate and other methods, all you have to do is to refer to _root in your MapView reference.
- Create reference to your main MapView.
ref = {(ref)=>this.mapView=ref}
- With this reference you can for example animateToRegion like this:
let r = {
latitude: 42.5,
longitude: 15.2,
latitudeDelta: 7.5,
longitudeDelta: 7.5,
this.mapView._root.animateToRegion(r, 2000);
If you want to control cluster on click event, here is example of zooming in to your cluster position:
- Define you zoom animation function:
let newRegion = {
latitude: coordinate.latitude,
longitude: coordinate.longitude,
latitudeDelta: this.mapView.state.region.latitudeDelta - this.mapView.state.region.latitudeDelta/2,
longitudeDelta: this.mapView.state.region.longitudeDelta - this.mapView.state.region.longitudeDelta/2,
this.mapView._root.animateToRegion(newRegion, 1000);
- Add onClusterPress prop to your MapView.
ref = {(ref)=>this.mapView=ref}
Added in version: 1.2.4
Getting info about markers in selected cluster:
onClusterPress = {(coordinates,markers)=>{
Adding custom cluster design: (Added in version 1.1.5)
You can pass prop called customClusterMarkerDesign with you HTML element that will be used as background for cluster.
customClusterMarkerDesign =
{(<Image style = {{width: imageWidth, height:imageHeight}}
source = {require('./customCluster.png')}/>)}
That's all!
Excluding marker from being clustered at all. (Added in version 1.2.6)
All you have to do is to add 'cluster' prop to marker like this:
cluster = {false}
coordinate={{latitude: x, longitude: y}}>
Name | Type | Default | Note |
clustering | bool | true | Set true to enable and false to disable clustering. |
radius | Int | 17 | Controls range of clustering. |
clusterColor | String | #F5F5F5 | Background color of cluster. |
clusterTextColor | String | #FF5252 | Color of text in cluster. |
clusterBorderColor | String | #FF5252 | Color of border. Set to transparent if you don't want borders. |
clusterBorderWidth | Int | 1 | Width of border. Set to 0 if you don't want borders. |
clusterTextSize | Int | 18 | Text size for clusters. |
onClusterPress | Function | null | Allows you to control cluster on click event. Function returns coordinate of cluster. |
customClusterMarkerDesign | HTML element | null | Custom background for your clusters. |
Example of using props:
clustering = {true}
clusterColor = '#000'
clusterTextColor = '#fff'
clusterBorderColor = '#fff'
clusterBorderWidth = {4}
region={{latitude: 52.5, longitude: 19.2,
latitudeDelta: 8.5, longitudeDelta: 8.5}}
style={{width: mapWidth, height: mapHeight}}>
If you need help or more customized solution email me: [email protected]
I am a student so any donations will help me to create more cool modules ;)
Thanks for any donations, have a great day and Happy Coding ;)