It offers convenient interface for encapsulated array. Implements strategy template for any number of filters.
- PHP version >= 7.1
- Sting "It's probably me" inside your headphones.
Installation using composer:
composer require andydune/array-container
Or if composer was not installed globally:
php composer.phar require andydune/array-container
Or edit your composer.json
"require" : {
"andydune/array-container": "^1"
And execute command:
php composer.phar update
You do not need to worry about existence any key.
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\ArrayContainer;
$aray = new ArrayContainer(['pipe' => 'handemade', 'pipes_type' => ['lovat', 'canadian']]);
$array['pipe'] // value is 'handemade'
$array['tobacco'] // value is null
$array->getNested('pipes_type.0') // value is 'lovat'
$array->getNested('pipes_type:0', null, ':') // value is 'lovat'
$array->getNested('some.some', 'NO') // value is 'NO'
// Set default value
$array['tobacco'] // value is 'NO'
Filters are callable objects. Filters are used during request properties with getters.
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\ArrayContainer;
$aray = new ArrayContainer(['pipe' => 'handemade', 'pipes_type' => ['lovat', 'canadian']]);
$array->addFilter(function ($value) {
return strtoupper($value);
$array['pipe'] // value is 'HANDEMADE'
Modifier is an object of class witch implements AndyDune\ArrayContainer\Action\AbstractAction interface. It can be simple extented without modification main class.
There is source array:
$array = [
'type' => 'good'
You need to use it inside model. Model waits array with keys: type, key and value
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\ArrayContainer;
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\Action\KeysAddIfNoExist;
$container = new ArrayContainer();
$defaultValue = 0; // Set this value if array key does not exist.
$container->setAction(new KeysAddIfNoExist($defaultValue))->executeAction('type', 'key', 'value');
$resultArray = $container->getArrayCopy();
Result array is:
$resultArray = [
'type' => 'good',
'key' => 0,
'value' => 0
It is source array with numeric keys.
$arraySource = [
40 => 'fourty',
50 => 'figty',
60 => 'sixty',
After execution function array_shift
keys will be lost.
$arraySource = [
0 => 'figty',
1 => 'sixty',
Array container action helps to avoid it.
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\ArrayContainer;
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\Action\ArrayShift;
$arraySource = [
40 => 'fourty',
50 => 'figty',
60 => 'sixty',
$container = new ArrayContainer($arraySource);
$result = $container->setAction(new ArrayShift())->executeAction();
$result == [40 => 'fourty'];
$resultArray = $container->getArrayCopy();
Result array is:
50 => 'figty',
60 => 'sixty',
We have array structure of witch we don't know. Need to set value to it's nested value with check of existence of nested structure. It changes only given array keys.
// Sourse array:
$array = [
'a' => 1,
'b' => [
'c' => 2
$container->setAction(new SetValueIntoNestedArray(22))->executeAction('b', 'cc');
$arrayResult = $container->getArrayCopy();
// Result array is:
$arrayResult = [
'a' => 1,
'b' => [
'c' => 2,
'cc' => 22
Ome more example.
We have stait array with month, year and counts of entities within this date.
$data = [[
'month' => 7,
'year' => 2020,
'orderCount' => 2,
'month' => 1,
'year' => 2020,
'orderCount' => 20,
We need to recieve something like this:
$result = [
2007 => [
1 => 2,
7 => 20
Here is code for this:
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\Action\SetValueIntoNestedArray;
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\ArrayContainer;
$arrayContainer = new ArrayContainer();
foreach($data as $row) {
$arrayContainer->setAction(new SetValueIntoNestedArray($row['orderCount']))
->executeAction($row['year'], $row['month']);
$result = $arrayContainer->getArrayCopy();
It needs simple to remove values witch duplicates. Here how we can do it.
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\ArrayContainer;
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\Action\RemoveDuplicates;
$array = [
'a' => 'a',
'b' => 'b',
'b1' => 'b',
'c' => 'c',
$container = new ArrayContainer($array);
$count = $container->setAction(new RemoveDuplicates())->executeAction();
$count == 1; // it is count of removed items
$array = $container->getArrayCopy());
$array; // it has no value with key b1
There is nested value with any structure. It checks is some value in given array including values in nested arrays.
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\ArrayContainer;
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\Action\InNestedArray;
$array = [
'a' => 1,
'b' => [
'c' => 2
$container = new ArrayContainer($array);
$container->setAction(new InNestedArray(1))->executeAction(); // true
$container->setAction(new InNestedArray('1'))->executeAction(); // true
$container->setAction(new InNestedArray(5))->executeAction(); // false
// With strong type comparision
$container->setAction(new InNestedArray('1', true))->executeAction(); // false
Values can be changed before comparision:
$array = [
'name' => 'Ivan'
'name' => 'Andrey'
$container = new ArrayContainer($array);
// false: Ivan != ivan
$container->setAction(new InNestedArray('ivan'))->executeAction();
// true: strtolower to values before compare
$container->setAction((new InNestedArray('ivan'))->setValueMutator(function($value){
if (!is_string($value)) {
return $value;
return strtolower($value);
It needs to create new list of values from any fixed list. The new list must contain random values.
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\ArrayContainer;
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\Action\ExtractRandomItems;
$array = [
$container = new ArrayContainer($array);
$arrayNew = $container->setAction(new ExtractRandomItems(3))->executeAction();
It leaves keys in new array as it was in source array.
Function array_merge
may act not right with associative arrays.
Example down next:
$a1 = ['first' => 1, 'second' => 2];
$ar = array_merge($a1, ['second' => 22])
The result is:
$ar == ['first' => 1, 'second' => 22];
Concat action helps to do it right:
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\ArrayContainer;
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\Action\Concat;
$a1 = ['first' => 1, 'second' => 2];
$container = new ArrayContainer($a1);
$result = $container->setAction(new Concat())->executeAction(['second' => 22]);
The result is:
$ar == ['first' => 1, 'second' => 2, 22];
Compares array1 against array2 and more and returns the difference. It computes arrays recursively.
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\ArrayContainer;
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\Action\ComputeDifferenceOfArrays;
$arrayWait = [
'r' => 'red',
'rr' => [
'r1' => 'red1',
'rrr' => [
'r2' => 'red2',
'r22' => ['red22']
'r2' => 'red2',
'b' => 'blue'
$container = new ArrayContainer($array);
$result = $container->setAction(new ComputeDifferenceOfArrays())->executeAction(
['r' => 'red', 'rr' => ['r1' => 'red1', 'rrr' => ['r22' => ['red22']]]]
// The resu is:
$arrayWait = [
'rr' => [
'rrr' => [
'r2' => 'red2',
'r22' => ['red22']
'r2' => 'red2',
'b' => 'blue'
It may ignore some keys within result.
$container = new ArrayContainer($array);
$result = $container->setAction(
(new ComputeDifferenceOfArrays())->ignoreKeys('r2', ['b'])))->executeAction(
['r' => 'red', 'rr' => ['r1' => 'red1']]
// The resu is:
$arrayWait = [
'rr' => [
'rrr' => [
'r22' => ['red22']
It checks source array if it has only this keys.
$array = [
'r' => 'red',
'rr' => [
'r1' => 'red1',
'b' => 'blue'
$container = new ArrayContainer($array);
$result = $container->setAction(new IsOnlyThisKeysInArray())->executeAction('r');
$result == false;
$container = new ArrayContainer($array);
$result = $container->setAction(new IsOnlyThisKeysInArray())->executeAction('r', ['rr']);
$result == false;
$container = new ArrayContainer($array);
$result = $container->setAction(new IsOnlyThisKeysInArray())->executeAction('r', ['rr', 'b']);
$result == true;
There is an array with integer values we have. Values are mixed, not in order and can be duplicated. We can receive array with values witch were skipped.
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\ArrayContainer;
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\Action\GetIntegerNumbersNotInSequence;
$array = [5, 1, 7, 8];
$container = new ArrayContainer($array);
$result = $container->setAction(new GetIntegerNumbersNotInSequence())->executeAction();
// result is:
[2,3,4,6] == $result;
It searches max float value in the given array. Each value is prepared by removing spaces.
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\ArrayContainer;
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\Action\FindMaxFloatValue;
$container = new ArrayContainer(['- 1', -2.56, 10, ' 1 1 ']);
$result = $container->setAction(new FindMaxFloatValue())->executeAction();
$this->assertEquals(11, $result);
// result is:
11 == $result;
Access to array value (more if array is nested) may require validation and check. Path helps make it easily.
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\Path;
$arr = [
'key1' => 'bum',
'key2' => ['key21' => [
'key211' => 'mub'
// To get value with key `key211` you need:
$arr['key2']['key21']['key211'] // mub
// with Path
$arrObject = new Path($arr);
(string)$arr->key2->key21->key211; // mub
Set value inside nested array:
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\Path;
$arrObject = new Path($arr);
$arr->key2->key21->key211 = 'bum';
(string)$arr->key2->key21->key211; // 'bum'
$arr->key2->key21->noExist_id->getValue(); // null
It creates array from text with lines as key-values pairs in it.
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\Builder;
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\BuilderStrategy\MultilineTextToAssociatedArray;
$sourceText = '
one => two
=> four
$expectResult = [
'one' => 'two',
'three' => null
$builder = new Builder($sourceText, new MultilineTextToAssociatedArray('=>'));
// result is
$expectResult == $builder->execute();
It creates array from text with lines as json-like key-values pairs in it.
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\Builder;
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\BuilderStrategy\MultilineTextAsJsonToAssociatedArray;
$text = '
"two" : 2,
$expectResult = [
'one' => 'two',
'two' => 2,
'three' => null
$builder = new Builder($text, new MultilineTextAsJsonToAssociatedArray());
// result is
$expectResult == $builder->execute();
It creates array from Markdown table.
Read about format here
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\Builder;
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\BuilderStrategy\MultilineTextAsJsonToAssociatedArray;
$text = '
| one | two |
| --- | ---
1 | 2
| 12| 13 | 14
$expectResult = [
'one' => 1,
'two' => 2
'one' => '11',
'two' => null
'one' => '12',
'two' => '13'
$builder = new Builder($text, new MarkdownTableToArray());
$expectResult == $builder->execute();
You can build not assoc array like this:
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\Builder;
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\BuilderStrategy\MultilineTextAsJsonToAssociatedArray;
$text = '
| one | two |
1 | 2
|| 5
| 12| 13 | 14
$expectResult = [
['one', 'two'],
[1, 2],
['', 5],
['11', null],
['12', '13']
$builder = new Builder($text, new MarkdownTableToArray());
$expectResult == $builder->execute();
It creates array from text with lines as key-values pairs in it. Values are nested arrays.
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\Builder;
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\BuilderStrategy\MultilineTextToNestedAssociatedArray;
$text = '
one > one,
one > two, one
four > 4, 5, 6
$expectResult = [
'one' => ['one', 'two'],
'four' => [4, 5, 6],
$builder = new Builder($text, new MultilineTextToNestedAssociatedArray());
$expectResult == $builder->execute();
It does simple string explode procedure with removing empty values or not.
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\Builder;
use AndyDune\ArrayContainer\BuilderStrategy\StringExplode;
$text = '
one , two,
$expectResult = [
'one', 'two'
$builder = new Builder($text, new StringExplode(','));
$expectResult == $builder->execute();