LocalizableStringsTool is a tool that performs Localizable.strings
analysis and helps you to clean up your translations
Unfortunately Xcode doesn't check translations on compile time,
and sometimes you see **user_greating_key**
instead of Wellcome
in your app.
LocalizableStringsTool aims to ensure you that your localization is fine.
If you use SwiftGen or R.swift you probably don’t need this tool
LocalizableStringsTool can help you find:
- Untranslated keys in your code
- Unused translations
- Translation duplications
- Difference in keys set for every language pair
- Prepare your custom settings file
otherwise the program will use default settings (see next section for details)
Please check PlistExample folder for reference - Just download LocalizableStringsTool executable file from the latest release and execute it in your terminal
-OR- - Clone the project and compile it by yourself
- When the work is finished you will get the brief result in the terminal and a detailed one in
Parameter Name | Description | Default value |
projectRootFolderPath | Absolute path to your project root folder. If it is absent the program will ask you for it |
unusedTranslations | Enable or disable searching for unused translations in your Localizable.strings files |
true |
translationDuplication | Enable or disable searching for translation duplications in your Localizable.strings files(Several keys with the same value (translation string)) |
true |
untranslatedKeys | Enable or disable searching for keys without translation in your source code | true |
allUntranslatedStrings | Enable or disable searching for all strings, treating them as "keys" and adding "untranslated" of them to a separate list at the end of LocalizableStringsToolResults.txt file.Could be helpful for some hard cases. |
false |
differentKeysInTranslations | Enable or disable searching for key sets difference for language pairs. For example en has 100 keys and ru has 110 keys.Most likely you want to have the same keys amount for any language, and now you can see absent or added keys |
true |
shouldAnalyzeSwift | Enable or disable analyzing Swift files | true |
shouldAnalyzeObjC | Enable or disable analyzing Objective-C files | true |
customSwiftPatternPrefixes | If you use some custom wrappers for NSLocalizedString("myKey", "comment") .For example it can be lang(“myKey”) and you should add here lang( |
NSLocalizedString( |
customSwiftPatternSuffixes | The same but for suffixes. Add .localized if you use “myKey”.localized instead of NSLocalizedString("myKey", "comment") |
customObjCPatternPrefixes | The same but for Obj C. Also add here prefixes that can help the program to find keys in source code. For example if you use keys as func parameters and made localisation inside it + (void)showAlertInViewController:(UIViewController *)controller withTitle:(NSString *)title message:(NSString *)message and call it [AlertService showAlertInViewController:self withTitle:@"some_title" message:@"some_message"]; you should add withTitle: and message: here |
NSLocalizedString( |
swiftPatternPrefixExceptions | Add here prefixes that tells that this is not localization key for sure. For example Animation.named( for Animation.named(“animation_key”) |
objCPatternPrefixExceptions | The same but for Obj C | |
keyNamePrefixExceptions | If you have some prefix for your keys, that tells that this is not a key for translation, add it. For example somebody uses ic_ as prefix for all icons |
keyNamePattern | Some specific rules for all your keys. Example: [_a-z0-9]*[_][a-z0-9]+ for snake_case |
[.]+ |
excludedUnusedKeys | Keys that the program mistakenly marks as unused. Add them to prevent adding unwanted keys to the result |
excludedUntranslatedKeys | Keys that the program mistakenly marks as not having a translation. Add them to prevent adding unwanted keys to the result |
excludedFoldersNameComponents | If file path has this string as part, it will be ignored. you probably don't want to check translation of third party libraries |
Pods |