Quick, easy, navigatable readme generator
I'm tired of hand-making big, navigatable readme.md files for github projects so I made this to make the process a lot less tedious. This readme was generated by this project.
Available on pip - pip install py_simple_readme
from py_simple_readme import readme_generator()
gen = readme_generator(title="Example", slogan="This goes below the title in the readme")
gen.set_changelog({"0.0.0": "Push"})
gen.add_paragraph("A paragraph about the project.")
gen.add_paragraph("Installation instructions")
gen.add_paragraph("A paragraph about using the module")
with open("readme.md", "w+") as f:
Simple object to handle the programatic generation of readme.md files
class readme_generator(object): def __init__(self, title: str = None, slogan: str = None, footnote_title: str = 'Notes:', footnote_heading_level: int = 2, numbered_toc: bool = False): ... def add_blockquote(self, text: str, end: str = '\n\n'): """Add a blockquoted paragraph at the current point in the readme body""" def add_bold(self, text: str, end: str = ''): """Adds a bold piece of text at the current point in the readme body""" def add_code_block(self, code: str, lang: str = 'python', end: str = '\n', disable_prefix: bool = False): """Add a block of code at the current point in the readme body""" def add_header_image(self, alt_text: str, url: str, replace_ok: bool = False): """Adds an image to the images placed under the project title / slogan""" def add_heading(self, text: str, level: int = 1, end: str = '\n', add_toc: bool = True): """Add a heading, set "add_toc" keyword to add a table of contents entry. Set "end" keyword to change the line ending.""" def add_heading_1(self, text: str, **kwargs): """Add a level 1 heading, set "add_toc" keyword to add a table of contents entry.""" def add_heading_2(self, text: str, **kwargs): """Add a level 2 heading, set "add_toc" keyword to add a table of contents entry.""" def add_heading_3(self, text: str, **kwargs): """Add a level 3 heading, set "add_toc" keyword to add a table of contents entry.""" def add_heading_4(self, text: str, **kwargs): """Add a level 4 heading, set "add_toc" keyword to add a table of contents entry.""" def add_heading_5(self, text: str, **kwargs): """Add a level 5 heading, set "add_toc" keyword to add a table of contents entry.""" def add_heading_6(self, text: str, **kwargs): """Add a level 6 heading, set "add_toc" keyword to add a table of contents entry.""" def add_horizontal_rule(self): """Adds a horizontal rule at the current point in the readme body""" def add_italic(self, text: str, end: str = ''): """Adds italicized piece of text at the current point in the readme body""" def add_link(self, link: str, text: str = None, tooltip: str = None): """Adds a link at the current point in the readme body""" def add_multi_blockquote(self, texts: list): """Add multiple blockquoted paragraphs at the current point in the readme body""" def add_ordered_list(self, texts: list, indent: int = 0): """Add an ordered (numbered) list as the current point in the readme body""" def add_paragraph(self, text: str, end: str = '\n\n'): """Add a paragraph to the current point in the readme body""" def add_toc(self, title: str, end: str = '\n'): """Add an entry to the table of contents at the current point in the readme body.""" def add_unordered_list(self, texts: list, indent: int = 0): """Add an unordered (non-numbered) list as the current point in the readme body""" def assemble(self): """Generate the readme and return as a string.""" def b(self, *args, **kwargs): """Alias for add_bold""" def cb(self, *args, **kwargs): """Alias for add_code_block""" def dd(self): """Alias for decrease_toc_depth""" def decrease_toc_depth(self): """Decrease table of contents depth""" def fn(self, text: str): """Alias for insert_footnote""" def get_prefix(self): """Returns the appropriate blockquote depth indicator""" def h1(self, *args, **kwargs): """Alias for add_heading_1""" def h2(self, *args, **kwargs): """Alias for add_heading_2""" def h3(self, *args, **kwargs): """Alias for add_heading_3""" def h4(self, *args, **kwargs): """Alias for add_heading_4""" def h5(self, *args, **kwargs): """Alias for add_heading_5""" def h6(self, *args, **kwargs): """Alias for add_heading_6""" def handle_class_list(self, classes: list, show_submodule: bool = False): """Adds documentation for a list of classes at the current point in the readme body.""" def handle_function_list(self, functions: list, show_submodule: bool = False): """Adds documentation for a list of functions at the current point in the readme body.""" def hr(self): """Alias for add_horizontal_rule""" def i(self, *args, **kwargs): """Alias for add_italic""" def id(self): """Alias for increase_toc_depth""" def increase_toc_depth(self): """Increase table of contents depth""" def insert_footnote(self, text: str): """Inserts a footnote at the current point in the readme body.""" def l(self, *args, **kwargs): """Alias for add_link""" def ol(self, *args, **kwargs): """Alias for add_ordered_list""" def p(self, *args, **kwargs): """Alias for add_paragraph""" def q(self, *args, **kwargs): """Alias for add_blockquote""" def save(self, path): """Generate readme and save to a given location.""" def set_changelog(self, changelog: dict): """Set the changelog with a dictionary of version strings mapped to update info strings.""" def set_header_images(self, images: dict, replace_ok: bool = False): """Sets a list of header images from a dict that maps image_alt texts to image urls.""" def set_slogan(self, slogan: str): """Set readme slogan. This will appear directly below the readme title if set.""" def toc(self, *args, **kwargs): """Alias for add_toc""" def ul(self, *args, **kwargs): """Alias for add_unordered_list"""
Add show_submodule argument to function/class documenter function
Fix PyPi readme
Generated with py_simple_readme