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Refactor shrub sample
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AndrewIOM committed Mar 28, 2024
1 parent d378263 commit 3726bf2
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Showing 5 changed files with 89 additions and 139 deletions.
170 changes: 49 additions & 121 deletions samples/3-shrub-nitrogen.fsx
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// #nuget: Bristlecone

/// Plant nitrogen limitation using wood rings
/// and nitrogen isotopes
// Plant nitrogen limitation using wood rings
// and nitrogen isotopes

(* An example Bristlecone script for working with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,97 +140,67 @@ let engine =
// configuration can find known parameters for a model. If this step fails, there is an
// issue with either your model, or the Bristlecone configuration.

let testSettings =
|> Test.addNoise (Test.Noise.tryAddNormal "sigma[y]" "N")
|> Test.addNoise (Test.Noise.tryAddNormal "sigma[x]" "bs")
|> Test.addGenerationRules [
Test.GenerationRules.alwaysMoreThan -3. "N"
Test.GenerationRules.alwaysLessThan 20. "N"
Test.GenerationRules.alwaysMoreThan 0. "bs"
Test.GenerationRules.monotonicallyIncreasing "x" ] // There must be at least 10mm of wood production
|> Test.addStartValues [
"x", 5.0
"bs", 5.0 |> Allometric.Proxies.toBiomassMM
"N", 3.64 ]
|> Test.withTimeSeriesLength 30
|> Test.endWhen (Optimisation.EndConditions.afterIteration 1000)

let testResult =
|> >> Bristlecone.testModel engine testSettings)

// 5. Load Real Data
// ----------------------------
// Here, we are using the FSharp.Data type provider to read in .csv datasets.
// Here, we are using the Bristlecone.Dendro package to
// read in dendroecological data.

open Bristlecone.Dendro

// 6. Fit Models to Real Data
// -----------------------------------
let shrubData =
let plants = Data.PlantIndividual.loadRingWidths (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + "/../data/yamal-rw.csv")
let isotopeData = Data.PlantIndividual.loadLocalEnvironmentVariable (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + "/../data/yuribei-d15N-imputed.csv")
plants |> PlantIndividual.zipEnvMany "N" isotopeData

// 7. Calculate model comparison statistics
// 6. Fit Models to Real Data
// -----------------------------------

// TEMP - old script. How to refactor into central libraries?
// .....

// Could do with defnining a tree ring type that specifies the ways they work.
// - Tree ring type has transforms between measurements. e.g. ring width to biomass.
// - Can have other measurements for the individual (isotopes etc.).
// - Can have associated climate data (that applies across many individuals).
// Things that need to be able to to:
// - Define start values
// - Load in and add additional measurements / climate data
// Static type:
// - Gen for fake start values

module DendroPlant =

type DendroPlant = {
Series: GrowthSeries.GrowthSeries

// 7. Calculate model comparison statistics
// -----------------------------------

//2. Test using fake data
let startValues = [ code "x", 5.; code "N", 3.64; code "bs", (5. |> ModelComponents.Proxies.toBiomassMM)] |> Map.ofList
let generationRules =
[ code "bs", fun data -> data |> Seq.min > 0.
code "N", fun data -> data |> Seq.min > -3.0
code "x", fun data -> data |> Seq.pairwise |> Seq.sumBy (fun (a,b) -> b - a) > 10. // There must be at least 10mm of wood production
code "N", fun data -> data |> Seq.max < 20. ] // N must not get to levels above 20 units

let addNoise p data =
let random = System.Random()
data |> key value ->
let sigma =
match key with
| k when k = code "N" -> p |> Pool.getEstimate "sigma[y]"
| k when k = code "bs" -> p |> Pool.getEstimate "sigma[x]"
| _ -> invalidOp "No sigma for this!"
let draw = Bristlecone.Statistics.Distributions.Normal.draw random 0. sigma
value |> (fun (x,_) -> x + draw()))

let testResult =
|> Seq.head
|> Bristlecone.testModel Options.engine 30 startValues Options.endWhen generationRules addNoise

// 3. Load Real Data and Estimate
// ----------------------------

let shrubs =
let yuribei = Data.PlantIndividual.loadRingWidths (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + "/../data/yamal-rw.csv")
let d15N = Data.PlantIndividual.loadLocalEnvironmentVariable (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + "/../data/yuribei-d15N-imputed.csv")
|> (fun s -> (s.Identifier.Value, s))
|> Seq.keyMatch d15N
|> (fun (_,plant,d15N) -> PlantIndividual.zipEnv (code "N") plant d15N)
|> Seq.toList

let getStartValues (startDate:System.DateTime) (plant:PlantIndividual) =
// Define the start values for a model system, as follows:
// initial radius =
let startValues (startDate:System.DateTime) (plant:PlantIndividual.PlantIndividual) =
let initialRadius =
match plant.Growth with
| RingWidth s ->
| PlantIndividual.PlantGrowth.RingWidth s ->
match s with
| Absolute c -> c.Head |> fst |> removeUnit
| Cumulative c ->
let start = (c |> TimeSeries.trimStart (startDate - System.TimeSpan.FromDays(366.))).Values |> Seq.head |> removeUnit
// printfn "Start cumulative growth = %f" start
| Relative _ -> invalidOp "Not implemented"
| _ -> invalidOp "Not implemented 2"
let initialMass = initialRadius |> removeUnit |> ModelComponents.Proxies.toBiomassMM
| GrowthSeries.Absolute c -> c.Head |> fst
| _ -> invalidOp "Not applicable"
| _ -> invalidOp "Not applicable"
let initialMass = initialRadius |> ModelComponents.Proxies.toBiomassMM
let initialNitrogen = plant.Environment.[code "N"].Head |> fst
[ (code "x", initialRadius)
(code "N", initialNitrogen)
(code "bs", initialMass) ] |> Map.ofList
[ ("x", initialRadius)
("N", initialNitrogen)
("bs", initialMass) ] |> Map.ofList

let workPackages shrubs hypotheses engine saveDirectory =
seq {
Expand All @@ -239,7 +209,7 @@ let workPackages shrubs hypotheses engine saveDirectory =
// 1. Arrange the subject and settings
let shrub = s |> PlantIndividual.toCumulativeGrowth
let common = shrub |> PlantIndividual.keepCommonYears
let startDate = (common.Environment.[code "N"]).StartDate |> snd
let startDate = (common.Environment.["N"]).StartDate |> snd
let startConditions = getStartValues startDate shrub
let e = engine |> Bristlecone.withConditioning (Custom startConditions)

Expand All @@ -259,61 +229,19 @@ let work = workPackages shrubs hypotheses Options.engine Options.resultsDirector
let run() = work |> Seq.iter (OrchestrationMessage.StartWorkPackage >> Options.orchestrator.Post)

// Temp
module Temp =

open Bristlecone.Data

/// Load an `EstimationResult` that has previously been saved as
/// three seperate dataframes. Results will only be reconstructed
/// when file names and formats are in original Bristlecone format.
let loadAll directory subject (modelSystem:ModelSystem) modelId =
let mles = MLE.load directory subject modelId |> (k,v) -> k.ToString(), v)
let series = Series.load directory subject modelId |> (k,v) -> k.ToString(), v)
let traces = Trace.load directory subject modelId |> (k,v) -> k.ToString(), v)

printfn "%s %i" subject modelId

let updateParameter (k:ShortCode) v newParameters =
printfn "New key is %s" k.Value
if k = code "conductivity" then
match newParameters |> Map.tryFind k with
| Some i -> Parameter.setEstimate v i
| None -> Parameter.setEstimate v (newParameters |> Map.find (code "insulation"))
else Parameter.setEstimate v (newParameters |> Map.find k)

|> Seq.keyMatch series
|> (k,v1,v2) -> (k, (v1, v2)))
|> Seq.keyMatch traces
|> (k,t,(s,(l,p))) ->
{ ResultId = k |> System.Guid.Parse
Likelihood = l
Parameters = modelSystem.Parameters |> k v -> updateParameter k v p)
Series = s
Trace = t })

let saveDiagnostics () =

// 1. Get all results sliced by plant and hypothesis
let results =
let get subject model modelId = Temp.loadAll Options.resultsDirectory subject.Identifier.Value model modelId
let get subject model modelId = Bristlecone.Data.EstimationResult.loadAll Options.resultsDirectory subject.Identifier.Value model modelId
Bristlecone.ModelSelection.ResultSet.arrangeResultSets shrubs hypotheses get

// 2. Save convergence statistics to file
// NB include only results within 5 likelihood of the minimum (to remove outliers)
|> (x,a,b,c) -> x.Identifier.Value,a,b,c)
|> Seq.toList
// |> (x,a,b,c) ->
// if c.IsSome
// then
// let all = fst c.Value
// let minimum = snd c.Value
// (x,a,b,Some (all |> Seq.where(fun e -> e.Likelihood < (minimum.Likelihood) + 5.), minimum))
// else (x,a,b,c))
|> Diagnostics.Convergence.gelmanRubinAll 10000 3
// |> (x,a,b,c) -> x.Identifier.Value,a,b,c)
// |> Seq.toList
|> Diagnostics.Convergence.gelmanRubinAll 10000
|> Options.resultsDirectory

// 3. Save Akaike weights to file
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion samples/bristlecone.fsx
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#r "../src/Bristlecone/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.Research.Oslo.dll"
#r "../src/Bristlecone/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Bristlecone.dll"
//#r "../src/Bristlecone.Dendro/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Bristlecone.Dendro.dll"
#r "../src/Bristlecone.Dendro/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Bristlecone.Dendro.dll"
13 changes: 9 additions & 4 deletions samples/components/allometric.fsx
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Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ module Allometric
#load "../bristlecone.fsx"

open Bristlecone
open Bristlecone.Language

let pi = System.Math.PI

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,15 +80,19 @@ module Götmark2016_ShrubModel =
module Allometrics =

open Götmark2016_ShrubModel
open Bristlecone.Dendro

let private removeUnit (x:float<_>) = float x

let mass woodDensity volume =
volume * woodDensity

let massToVolume woodDensity mass =
mass / woodDensity

let shrubBiomass b a rtip p lmin k5 k6 n woodDensity radius =
let shrubBiomass b a rtip p lmin k5 k6 n woodDensity (radius:float<mm>) =
|> removeUnit
|> NiklasAndSpatz_Allometry.stemLength k5 k6
|> shrubVolume b a rtip p lmin k5 k6 n |> snd
|> mass woodDensity
Expand All @@ -108,9 +111,11 @@ module Allometrics =

module Proxies =

open Bristlecone.Dendro

/// Radius in millimetres
let toBiomassMM radiusMM =
radiusMM / 10. |> Allometrics.shrubBiomass Constants.b Constants.a Constants.rtip Constants.p Constants.lmin Constants.k5 Constants.k6 Constants.numberOfStems Constants.salixWoodDensity
let toBiomassMM (radius:float<mm>) =
radius / 10. |> Allometrics.shrubBiomass Constants.b Constants.a Constants.rtip Constants.p Constants.lmin Constants.k5 Constants.k6 Constants.numberOfStems Constants.salixWoodDensity

/// Biomass in grams.
let toRadiusMM biomassGrams =
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19 changes: 16 additions & 3 deletions src/Bristlecone.Dendro/Plant.fs
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Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ module EnvironmentalVariables =
module PlantIndividual =

type PlantGrowth =
| RingWidth of GrowthSeries.GrowthSeries<mm>
| BasalArea of GrowthSeries.GrowthSeries<mm^2>
Expand All @@ -39,7 +38,19 @@ module PlantIndividual =
float x

let zipEnv envName envData (plant:PlantIndividual) =
{ plant with Environment = plant.Environment.Add (envName, envData) }
let code = ShortCode.create envName
match code with
| None -> failwith "%s is not a valid environment code."
| Some c -> { plant with Environment = plant.Environment.Add (c, envData) }

/// Assigns local environmental conditions to each plant in a sequence,
/// given a sequence of environmental time-series where each time-series
/// has the code of the plant associated with it.
let zipEnvMany envName (env:(string * TimeSeries.TimeSeries<float>) seq) plants =
|> (fun s -> (s.Identifier.Value, s))
|> Seq.keyMatch env
|> (fun (_,plant,e) -> zipEnv envName plant e)

let growthSeries plant =
match plant with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,10 +105,12 @@ module PlantIndividual =
|> List.unzip
let startDate = startDates |> snd |> List.max
let endDate = endDates |> List.min
let mapts f = f
{ plant with Environment = plant.Environment |> Map.toList |> (fun (x,y) -> x,y |> TimeSeries.bound startDate endDate |> Option.get) |> Map.ofList
Growth = plant.Growth |> growthSeries |> GrowthSeries.growthToTime |> TimeSeries.bound startDate endDate |> Option.get |> (fun (x,t) -> x * 1.<mm>) |> GrowthSeries.Absolute |> RingWidth }

/// Where a plant has associated environmental data, discard the beginning
/// or end of the growth and environment time-series where not all data
/// are present.
let keepCommonYears (plant:PlantIndividual) =
let allSeries =
let response = plant.Growth |> growthSeries |> GrowthSeries.growthToTime
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24 changes: 14 additions & 10 deletions tests/Bristlecone.Benchmark/Program.fs
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Expand Up @@ -35,16 +35,18 @@ module TestSuite =

let twoDim f (x: float[]) = f x.[0] x.[1]
let oneDim f (x: float[]) = f x.[0]
let multidim f (x: float[]) = f x

// Functions, input domain, global minimum, and global minimum point(s)
let fixedDimension =
[ "Bukin Sixth", bukinSixth |> twoDim, [ (-15., -5.); (-3., 3.) ], 0., [ [ -10.; 1. ] ]
[ "Ackley (2D)", ackley |> multidim, [ (-32.768, 32.768); (-32.768, 32.768) ], 0., [[0.; 0.]]
"Bukin Sixth", bukinSixth |> twoDim, [ (-15., -5.); (-3., 3.) ], 0., [ [ -10.; 1. ] ]
"Holder Table", holderTable |> twoDim, [ (-10., 10.); (-10., 10.) ], -19.20850257, [[8.05502; 9.66459]; [8.05502; -9.66459]; [-8.05502; 9.66459]; [-8.05502; -9.66459]]
"Cross in tray", crossInTray |> twoDim, [ (-10., 10.); (-10., 10.) ], -2.06261185, [[1.3491; -1.3491]; [1.3491; 1.3491]; [-1.3491; 1.3491]; [-1.3491; -1.3491]]
// "Dropwave", dropWave |> twoDim, [ 1 .. Config.startPointCount ] |> _ -> twoDimension -5.12 5.12), -1., [[0.;0.]]
// "Eggholder", eggHolder |> twoDim, [ 1 .. Config.startPointCount ] |> _ -> twoDimension -5.12 5.12), -959.6406627, [[512.; 404.2319]]
// "Gramarcy-Lee", gramacyLee |> oneDim, [ 1 .. Config.startPointCount ] |> _ -> [between 0.5 2.5]), -0.869011134989500, [[0.548563444114526]]
// "Langermann", langermann |> twoDim, [(0., 10.); (0., 10.)], -5.1621259, [[2.00299219; 1.006096]]
// "Dropwave", dropWave |> twoDim, [ (-512., 512.) ], 1., [[0.;0.]]
// "Eggholder", eggHolder |> twoDim, [ (-512., 512.) ], -959.6406627, [[512.; 404.2319]]
// "Gramarcy-Lee", gramacyLee |> oneDim, [ (0.5, 2.5) ], -0.869011134989500, [[0.548563444114526]]
// "Langermann", langermann |> twoDim, [(0., 10.); (0., 10.)], -5.1621259, [[2.00299219; 1.006096]]

// let nDimensional = [
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,14 +196,16 @@ module TimeSeriesTests =
MillisecondsMedian = successes |> (snd >> float) |> median

let engine optimise =
let engine optimise isAmoeba =
|> Bristlecone.Bristlecone.withCustomOptimisation optimise
|> (fun b -> if isAmoeba then { b with Constrain = Bristlecone.Parameter.ConstraintMode.Transform } else b)

let runTimeSeriesTests timeModels optimFunctions =
List.allPairs optimFunctions timeModels
|> ((optimName, optimise), (modelName, modelFn, startValues)) ->
runReplicated Config.startPointCount (fun () -> Bristlecone.Bristlecone.testModel (engine optimise) settings modelFn)
|> ((optimName: string, optimise), (modelName, modelFn, startValues)) ->
let isAmoeba = optimName.Contains("amoeba")
runReplicated Config.startPointCount (fun () -> Bristlecone.Bristlecone.testModel (engine optimise isAmoeba) settings modelFn)
|> summarise modelName optimName

Expand All @@ -220,15 +224,15 @@ let annealSettings =
EndConditions.afterIteration 10000 x) }

let optimFunctions =
[ //"amoeba single", Amoeba.Solver.solve Amoeba.Solver.Default
[ "amoeba single", Amoeba.Solver.solve Amoeba.Solver.Default
// "amoeba swarm", Amoeba.swarm 5 20 Amoeba.Solver.Default
// "anneal classic", MonteCarlo.SimulatedAnnealing.classicalSimulatedAnnealing 0.01 false annealSettings
// "anneal cauchy", MonteCarlo.SimulatedAnnealing.fastSimulatedAnnealing 0.01 false annealSettings
// "filzbach", MonteCarlo.Filzbach.filzbach { TuneAfterChanges = 10000; MaxScaleChange = 0.5; MinScaleChange = 0.5; BurnLength = EndConditions.afterIteration 10000 }
// "automatic MCMC", MonteCarlo.``Automatic (Adaptive Diagnostics)``
// "metropolis-gibbs", MonteCarlo.``Metropolis-within Gibbs``
// "adaptive metropolis", MonteCarlo.adaptiveMetropolis 0.250 500
"random walk MCMC", MonteCarlo.randomWalk []
// "random walk MCMC", MonteCarlo.randomWalk []
// "random walk w/ tuning", MonteCarlo.randomWalk [ MonteCarlo.TuneMethod.CovarianceWithScale 0.25, 500, EndConditions.afterIteration 10000 ]

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