The easiest way to add models and JSON de/serialization to your Swift project.
JSONSuggest reads the responses from any API and generates models (along with code to serialize / deserialize each object). It also provides some extra features (see "Extra Features" below).
While you are developing, simply add JSONSuggest.swift to your project.
If you decide to leave the file in after you are done developing, there is an isDebug variable you can set to false so that JSONSuggest will not run when your app is in production.
- Anywhere you are parsing JSON, simply add this line...
Find the files in your file system or visit the link that prints in your Xcode console
Drag-and-drop the files you downloaded into your project
Find something to do with all of your free time :)
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"age": 25,
"type": "home",
"number": "212 555-1234"
"type": "fax",
"number": "646 555-4567"
For a single object
var json = JSON
if json != nil{
if json is [String:AnyObject]{
if let firstKey = (json as! [String:AnyObject]).keys.first{
if firstKey == "Person"{
json = json![firstKey]
let age = json?["age"] as? Int,
let firstName = json?["firstName"] as? String,
let lastName = json?["lastName"] as? String,
let phoneNumbers = json?["phoneNumbers"] as? [[String:AnyObject]]
return nil
self.age = age
self.firstName = firstName
self.lastName = lastName
self.phoneNumbers = PhoneNumber.fromJSONArray(phoneNumbers)
return nil
return nil
Usage of init?()
if let person = Person(JSON: json){
//now you have a person object
JSONSuggest is smart enough to look through all of the objects in your JSON response to determine what is optional. If a property is not always present, it is made an optional. Anything that isn't optional, is added to the guard statement at the top of the init?(). Obviously, this won't always be perfect but it is a VERY good head start.
var toJSON: [String:AnyObject] {
var jsonObject = [String:AnyObject]()
jsonObject["age"] = self.age
jsonObject["firstName"] = self.firstName
jsonObject["lastName"] = self.lastName
jsonObject["phoneNumbers"] = self.phoneNumbers.toJSONArray
return jsonObject
Usage of toJSON
//person object from up above
.toJSON takes a class object and converts it into [String:AnyObject] dictionary representation. This is commonly used when sending the object in an API call.
var toJSONString: String {
var jsonString = ""
jsonString += ", \"age\":\"\(self.age)\""
jsonString += ", \"firstName\":\"\(self.firstName)\""
jsonString += ", \"lastName\":\"\(self.lastName)\""
jsonString += ", \"phoneNumbers\":\"\(self.phoneNumbers.toJSONString)\""
jsonString = String(jsonString.characters.dropFirst()) //removes the ','
jsonString = String(jsonString.characters.dropFirst()) //removes the beginning space
return jsonString
Usage of toJSONString
.toJSONString takes a class object and converts it into a String representation. You can use this when sending an object in an API call (although much less common than .toJSON).
For an array
class func fromJSONArray(JSON:[[String:AnyObject]]) -> [Person]{
var returnArray = [Person]()
for entry in JSON{
if let ent = Person(JSON: entry){
return returnArray
Usage of fromJSONArray
let people = Person.fromJSONArray(json) //json is [[String:AnyObject]]
.fromJSONArray takes an array of dictionaries and attempts to convert them into an array of Person objects. Note: it is a class function so you do not need to instantiate a Person object before you use it.
var toJSONArray : [[String:AnyObject]]{
var returnArray = [[String:AnyObject]]()
for entry in self{
return returnArray
Usage of toJSONArray
//people is the same object created by fromJSONArray
.toJSONArray takes an array of Person objects and converts it into an array of dictionaries ( [[String:AnyObject]] ).
var toJSONString : String{
var returnString = ""
for entry in self{
returnString += entry.toJSONString
return returnString
Usage of toJSONString
.toJSONString takes an array of Person objects and converts it into a String.
func findInJSON(JSON:AnyObject, complete:((persons:[Person])->())?){
var persons = [Person]()
traverseJSON(&persons, JSON: JSON) { (persons) in
if complete != nil{
complete!(persons: persons)
Usage of findInJSON
Person().findInJSON(json, complete: { (people) in
if people.count > 0{
//you have an array of Person objects
print("no people found")
.findInJSON allows you to traverse the entire JSON response back from the API and find all of the Person objects that it contains (even if they are within different objects entirely).
By default, JSONSuggest is set to save the files to your local harddrive. Simply set the .saveDirectory property to the directory which you want the files to be saved. After that, navigate to that directory and drag-and-drop the files into your project.
Local save will print this message into your console...
Your code will simply be printed to the console. You can then manually create your model files and copy/paste the contents.
var swiftVersion = "2"
var singleFile = false
var includeSerialization = true
var ignoreImplementedClasses = false
var isDebug = true
swiftVersion (upcoming) will be used to determine which version of swift to print the files out in. When swift 3 support comes. This toggle will function.
singleFile determines whether to split your files or generate a file called Models.swift.
includeSerialization determines whether or not to include the de/serialization methods into your class objects
ignoreImplementedClasses will run JSONSuggest but not print out classes that are already in your project. IMPORTANT! IN ORDER FOR THIS TO WORK, YOUR OBJECTS MUST INHERIT FROM NSOBJECT
isDebug When this is set to false, JSONSuggest does not run. This is only really used if you want to leave JSONSuggest in your app when you make it live.
var deliveryMethod:DeliveryMethod = .URL //.URL or .Console
deliveryMethod lets you switch from using the JSONSuggest API to the Xcode Console
var defaultValues:[String:String] = ["String":"\"\"", "Int": "-1", "Double":"-1.0","Bool":"false"]
defaultValues is what you would like each type to be set to by default. The values all must be represented as a String.
- Include JSON de/serialization
- Add NSDate support
- Swift 3 support
- Support for JAVA (if people want it)
Andrew Goodwin, [email protected]
JSONSuggest is available under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See the LICENSE file for more info.
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