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Releases: Andrew-Clow/ElmTauriGUI

v0.3.0.0 TaskUtils as a separate module, Persistent.init now recovers from bad or missing Json

07 Jan 14:58
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v0.2.1.0 new, better API for chaining

05 Jan 07:03
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It turns out to be much easier to chain Tasks when you can edit the return values with a record.
Task error (Result Msg a) is very chainable with the new Tauri.andThen and Tauri.andThenWithoutResult

v0.2.0.1 new, better API for chaining

04 Jan 17:30
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It turns out to be much easier to chain Tasks when you can edit the return values with a record.
Task Error (Result Msg a) is very chainable with the new Tauri.andThen and Tauri.andThenWithoutResult

v0.2.0.0 new, better API for chaining

04 Jan 17:15
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It turns out to be much easier to chain Tasks when you can edit the return values with a record.
Task Error (Result Msg a) is very chainable with the new Tauri.andThen and Tauri.andThenWithoutResult

v0.1.2.0 added ifOK, ifYes, ifPickedOne, ifPickedSome for easier chaining of Dialogs with actions afterwards

31 Dec 21:16
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26 Dec 14:43
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added writeFileIfDifferent

v0.1.0.0 Working!

25 Dec 00:54
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Delete Simple.elm